hi peeps
as the first heads up free play tournie was a great success and loads of fun,
i just thought ill start another for the champ to lose his crown to maybe u?
so if anyone is up for it this, thread will be open for 7 days to get your name down
and all the very best of luck
heads up tournament draw on monday 7th
70 big blinds u choose your tables
just post result up if im not watching lol
just one more thing peeps can all matches be played by this time next week
if a match is not played then the player who has posted there match to be played
will go through once again gl to all
ficino v ozzie08 well done to all the knockout stage to be played by 28th dudeskin8 v maxally ty and gl tiedup v dudeskin8 dudeskin8 haylz v tiedup denham v craftycarp craftycarp greghogg v bigbiker22 dtwbandit v tommyd tommyd tvspice v taras phil12uk v quagmire72 phil12uk scrumdown v dtwbandit goodylad v jsm180 goodylad21 eagle26 v tommyd bigbiker22 v irishrover bigbiker22 craftycarp v ckd spikelad v machka machka shewas v spikelad shewaz v fins fins cj111 v goodylad21 ozzie08 v greghogg ozzie08 zxghostxz v donkeyplop ficino v pod1 pod1 pkrpar v pod1 mickyblue v candi mickyblue jsm180 v denham c j111 v dav1964 cj111 candi v dohhhhhhh filipsebo v tvspice filipsebo mintsam v dav1964 zxghostxz v robc robc filipsebo v mrwh1te boonicon v scrumdown boonicon boonicon v quagmire72 taras v mintsam mintsam mickeyblue v stokefc irishrover v robc to save on time the matches can be played on 30p sng entirely your choice machka v 35suited
phil12uk v young gun
fins v belsibub round 3 draw as follows
robc v machka machka
ozzie08 v tommyD tommyD
bigbiker22 v boonicon boonicon
mintsam v phil12uk mintsam
craftycarp v fins craftycarp
dudeskin8 v mickyblue mickyblue
cj111 v goodylad21 cj111
pod1 v filisebo filipsebo
gl to all
last 4 as follows filipsebo v mintsam mintsam
cj111 v mickyblue mickyblue
craftycarp v boonicon craftycarp
machka v tommyD tommyD
semi final tommyD v mintsam
mickyblue v craftycarp
the final craftycarp v tommyD
the champion tommyD very well done
i think it might be better to give it a month or two so as to give ozzie time to bask in his glory,but if it gets off the ground im in
Count me in. ;-)
i am in as i missed the 1st one
In Response to Re: heads up free play forum current champ ozzie08:
he could bask in being the current heads up free play champion, agreed. However as for the FIRST EVER that honour belongs to somebody else ;-) ....
the first one was organised by webby around christmas time, good little tourney although nothin compared to the scale of the one Irish set up! ...who won it?? some complete donk i think!.....
yeah put me down to play! goodluck tryin to organise it though-i wouldnt wanna do it lol
personally i would leave it for ashort time before setting it up, fair enough perhaps get a list of ppl interested but isn't there still another 8 ppl playing in the other 1?
I will give it a go xxxxx