Aww You are all far too kind! .. So.. ask Orford how he got on (To be fair he was card dead all night and kept getting his raises shoved in on when he just couldn't call) Don't feel too bad for him.. he got it all back in cash later! Posted by LML
How'd Orford do then Lisa???
Do you pay him cash for advice / services / or something else then?
In Response to Re: Congrats Lisa-Marie!? : How'd Orford do then Lisa??? Do you pay him cash for advice / services / or something else then? Posted by phil12uk
lol NO Phil I most certainly did not!
Luckily he managed to win back his losses in cash!
VWD LML!! Well chuffed for you!! Nothing better than a big binkage and your live record lately is awesome - Keep it up!! I really now hope you come to Nottingham for the SPT Final - I will deal any SNG's as long as you tip me ofc x
In Response to Re: Congrats Lisa-Marie!? : I got a bit excited Boss and tipped £150.. Apparently this was a bit too much.. OOps. No worries, hopefully next time we can join you xxx Posted by LML
LOL Kunal.. No wonder he went bright red and kept thanking me.. Couldn't believe his luck! Haha Dyl.. Just call me Phil (Which means LUCKBOX in Poker lingo.. eg: You're SUCH a Phil!) Here's a tip.. be good to your mother and don't eat yellow snow.. GOTTIT?!! x Posted by LML
Wow do you not think uve already given enough of them out already, but you you feel the need to give more I shall inbox you my bank details swwwwwwwwwwwwwish!
LOL Kunal.. No wonder he went bright red and kept thanking me.. Couldn't believe his luck! Haha Dyl.. Just call me Phil (Which means LUCKBOX in Poker lingo.. eg: You're SUCH a Phil!) Here's a tip.. be good to your mother and don't eat yellow snow.. GOTTIT?!! x Posted by LML
Ahem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
PS, please DON'T come to Swansea cos we only want fishies like Orford to make us look good
In Response to Re: Congrats Lisa-Marie!? : Wow do you not think uve already given enough of them out already, but you you feel the need to give more I shall inbox you my bank details swwwwwwwwwwwwwish! Posted by kunster
I'll give you whatever you want if you give me your bank details...
lol.. If it makes you all feel better I just donked out of the main event and then realised I'd just done it with £11 from my personal account rather than my sky account. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
VWD LML!! Well chuffed for you!! Nothing better than a big binkage and your live record lately is awesome - Keep it up!! I really now hope you come to Nottingham for the SPT Final - I will deal any SNG's as long as you tip me ofc
Wish I was your dealer (card dealer that is JOKE)
There, no sarcasm.