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TAKE ON TK MTT GUARANTEED / can this thread be sent on to the sky suits plzzzzzzzzzzz.



  • lucky77777lucky77777 Member Posts: 1,444
    edited June 2010
    In Response to TAKE ON TK MTT / +1 OR NOT FOR THIS IDEA? READ ON...........................:
      Tonight when the amount of runners in this are known.  say 300 OR WHATEVER  why not x by 5  so you have a guaranteed £1500 FOR NEXT WEEK .  THIS IS A EXCELLENT DEEPSTACK LETS TRY KEEP IT GOING GUYS !  12 MINS BLINDS GREAT VALUE FOR A FIVER !  SO LETS GET BEHIND THIS THREAD  AND LETS GET A GUARANTEED PRIZE FUND FOR NEXT WEEK!
    Posted by IRISHROVER
    brill idea i missed the last one but will be defo in next wd m8 smashing great
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited June 2010

    Great idea for tourney and bounty

  • HjaltlandHjaltland Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2010

    Any game with blinds wider than 10 mins makes for a good game......Tikay ask the suits for a once a month 15 min blind tour

    +1  rover

  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited June 2010
    +1 Love deepstacks

    Guarantee would be fantastic, bounty on TK too

  • DeuceAK_47DeuceAK_47 Member Posts: 381
    edited June 2010
    +1 Great idea mate.
  • DarntootinDarntootin Member Posts: 1,521
    edited June 2010
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited June 2010




  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited June 2010

    Hi guys,

    Only just spotted this, sorry.

    I'd like to explain this, but first up, thank you for all the lovely comments about the Structure of the Tourney. I designed it myself, & I'm very pleased with how it plays out.

    And that's the whole thing, they sort of said to me "make a wish, design it yourself, any buy-in, any structure, just go ahead & do what you think is best".

    So I did. I thought a fiver was about right to get things going, & I am 100% happy with the structure. It will NOT be removed from the Schedule, it is now a permanent fixture for the foreseeable future, at least as long as it gets a tidy amount of runners.

    I have asked for permission NOT to play it on three Fridays - two whilst I am in Vegas, & one on the Friday before Swansea SPT, as I need to be down there on the Friday in order to do an early start & a very long day on the Saturday. It is still to be decided if the Tourney will run on those three Friday's, but it almost certainly will, with a Guest "Host" on each occasion.

    The Guarantee? Well that one is awkard, because they said to me, in effect, "make a wish, design your perfect Tourney". And as, personally, I do not believe in Guaranteed Prize Pools, they do nobody any good in the long run imo, I did not seek a Guarantee, nor will I.

    But here's the thing. The targeted number of runners was between 100 & 150, so if I HAD sought a Guarantee, it would have been about £500. In fact, it attracted 427, & 302, so who needs a £500 Guarantee, it's meaningless & worthless?

    The nature of the Take-on-tikay" Tourney will change radically soon, too. Watch this space for more details. ;)

    I'm also discussing with the Suits whether a re-branded version of T-o-T could stand being run on an additional night in the week, maybe Monday, or Tuesday.

    Personally, I think it's great that "the £5 guys" get the chance to play a seriously good structure, & I'm very proud of this Tourney, in every respect.

    You may not be aware of this, but I work very hard under the radar to attract runners to this Tourney, via FB, Twitter, etc. Because it's mine, & I want it to work.

    Now we have to innovate & improve.

    However, while my name is on it, I have no wish to make it "Guaranteed", simply because I don't believe in Guarantees. Sorry!
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: TAKE ON TK MTT GUARANTEED / can this thread be sent on to the sky suits plzzzzzzzzzzz.:
    simply because I don't believe in Guarantees. Sorry!
    Posted by Tikay10
    I insist on guarantees, John Lewis are the best.  You usually get 5 year ones with electrical equipment.
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: TAKE ON TK MTT GUARANTEED / can this thread be sent on to the sky suits plzzzzzzzzzzz.:
    Hi guys, Only just spotted this, sorry. I'd like to explain this, but first up, thank you for all the lovely comments about the Structure of the Tourney. I designed it myself, & I'm very pleased with how it plays out. And that's the whole thing, they sort of said to me "make a wish, design it yourself, any buy-in, any structure, just go ahead & do what you think is best". So I did. I thought a fiver was about right to get things going, & I am 100% happy with the structure. It will NOT be removed from the Schedule, it is now a permanent fixture for the foreseeable future, at least as long as it gets a tidy amount of runners. I have asked for permission NOT to play it on three Fridays - two whilst I am in Vegas, & one on the Friday before Swansea SPT, as I need to be down there on the Friday in order to do an early start & a very long day on the Saturday. It is still to be decided if the Tourney will run on those three Friday's, but it almost certainly will, with a Guest "Host" on each occasion. The Guarantee? Well that one is awkard, because they said to me, in effect, "make a wish, design your perfect Tourney". And as, personally, I do not believe in Guaranteed Prize Pools, they do nobody any good in the long run imo, I did not seek a Guarantee, nor will I. But here's the thing. The targeted number of runners was between 100 & 150, so if I HAD sought a Guarantee, it would have been about £500. In fact, it attracted 427, & 302, so who needs a £500 Guarantee, it's meaningless & worthless? The nature of the Take-on-tikay" Tourney will change radically soon, too. Watch this space for more details. ;) I'm also discussing with the Suits whether a re-branded version of T-o-T could stand being run on an additional night in the week, maybe Monday, or Tuesday. Personally, I think it's great that "the £5 guys" get the chance to play a seriously good structure, & I'm very proud of this Tourney, in every respect. You may not be aware of this, but I work very hard under the radar to attract runners to this Tourney, via FB, Twitter, etc. Because it's mine, & I want it to work. Now we have to innovate & improve. However, while my name is on it, I have no wish to make it "Guaranteed", simply because I don't believe in Guarantees. Sorry!
    Posted by Tikay10
    ty tk for your reply ,

    but can you please explain why it would not improve

    its easy to raise up a gurantee as runners go up and

    why you dont believe in guarantees in mtts .

    ty for taking the time in advance .


  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited June 2010

      It pains me to think after 3 years on skypoker we have a big field of

      runners in a excellent deepstack on a friday night for just a fiver .

      lots of punters will stay with this mtt if the number remains big .

      a 3k guarantee on it will make it a regular friday night event .

      this is good for skypoker very good infact .

      it got 12 mins blinds .

      for once for a fiver we can say skypoker can do a carlsberg structure and it

      not a push push all your chips in after 20 mins big field

      £5  event .

      come on guys am  i the only one that feels this way ?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited June 2010

    Hi Dennis,

    I'm about to do the Show, so don't have time to reply properly right now I'm afraid.

    But to your first question, "why don't I believe in Guarantees?", that's based on a very long experience of poker. It's a view that, on the whole, conflicts with the industry as a whole, & indeed with Sky Poker, so I'm out of step with everyone. I just see no need for the Guarantee, is the long & short of it. I know, as a general rule, how many beans make five, but I have never really grasped the concept of Guaranteed Prize Pools, or whom they are supposed to benefit. If the Prize Pool exceeds the Guarantee, it's a worthless Guarantee, & if it falls short, well, let's face it, the Site or Venue will soon reduce it. But I will be working VERY hard to keep the numbers up.

    As to your subsequent Post, please be assured, there are NO plans to remove it from the schedules it is here to stay. In fact, I'm trying, right now, to introduce another identically-structured Tourney earlier in the week, & for the same Buy-In.

    OK, gotta go, we have a Show in 5 minutes!
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited June 2010
    Haven't played this yet but it does look like a descent structure 2.5k chips 12 min blinds. Only improvement for me is make it 4k starting stack as it allows a couple of accidents early on with room to come back. Or conversly make it 15 min blinds and 3k starting stack.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited June 2010

    Will be making my debut it this on friday. I keep hearing about these "radical changes" - and auto think rebuy, but after reading tks post - its designed for £5-50 buy inners - who may not be able to afford rebuy/add ons...

    So as its his tourny, and hes an omaha enthusiast, ill go for a mixed tourny, where the games rotate? omaha, he, hi lo etc?
  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited June 2010

    For me i played in the first Take on Tikay and i thought it was a truly wonderful structure and for the buy-in for me is "cheap as chips" and i'm glad personally this is going to be a regular Friday night fixture for the foreseeable future.

    Sadly i won't be able to play in the next 3 TOT's as it's a mixture of watching the almighty Lancashire in 20/20 cricket (next week i will be most enjoying seeing the Yorkies get slaughtered at Headingley!) and i'm off to the Algarve at the end of the month for an all-inclusive weekend jolly up! :)

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited June 2010
    tikay, can i just say you have such a hard job . stuck betweeen the mods and the players. middle mang is a hard hard job tryin to keep all parties happy. this thread and the other (you know which one) is building up steam amung the community. and i really really hope it/they get the proper amount of consideration they deserve. i dont envy your job at all. but please please try and get them to listen to the everyday poker player. i love sky and the community, but the only fall down in my eyes is the mods dont listen. not a knee jerk reaction(i would expect more) but a genuine ear to the vast majority of players who play on this site. tnx again phil
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited June 2010
    Gr8 thread this is and i will lend my support for this on fridays.As tk says if this is supported there is no need for a gtd status but a bounty would add a little extra to the tourny.And +1 for pods post with regards to tikay he does seem to be stuck between a rock and a hardplace sometimes.All the best dav
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited June 2010
    I support this and would be up for it with the gauranteed up :) nice idea irish
  • bornabladebornablade Member Posts: 736
    edited June 2010
    Have to agree with dude, 2500 chips isn't quite enough for me personally but I have played the 1st 2 take on tikays and generally found the quality of play in them to be quite good. Not as good as the deepys, sleepys and orfordables but not far off.
    As for the other comments, I can understand Tikays point regarding the guarantee. As he said if the fields
    don't match the guarantee then Sky will lower the guarantee. We've all seen the threads about tournys
    that people enjoy having the guarantees cut. Cut guarantee = less players, vicious circle.
    On the other side why bother if there are more than the guarantee?

    Bounty on Tikay should remain, whether it be a tourny entry to a higher buy in game or a cash bounty.

    My suggestion would be to make it an added tourny with Sky adding maybe £200 to the prize pool
    this would add extra juice to the pot and remove the need for the guarantee or another suuggestion
    would be to give all final tablists (Maybe not a real word but I like it) seats to another tourny. This
    could be done on a numbers = higher buy in seats deal
    0 - 100 Seats for next Take on Tikay
    101 - 200 Seats for Sleepstack
    201 - 300 Seats for the £22 BH tourny
    301 + Seats for the Primo.

    Just a thought
  • candicandi Member Posts: 2,162
    edited June 2010
    In Response to TAKE ON TK MTT GUARANTEED / can this thread be sent on to the sky suits plzzzzzzzzzzz.:
      Tonight when the amount of runners in this are known.  say 300 OR WHATEVER  why not x by 5  so you have a guaranteed £1500 FOR NEXT WEEK .  THIS IS A EXCELLENT DEEPSTACK LETS TRY KEEP IT GOING GUYS !  12 MINS BLINDS GREAT VALUE FOR A FIVER !  SO LETS GET BEHIND THIS THREAD  AND LETS GET A GUARANTEED PRIZE FUND FOR NEXT WEEK!
    Posted by IRISHROVER
    Yes i was going to play this tourney last Friday and completely forgot about it DDoh me!
    I agree with you Denis this is an excellent structured tourney and well worth a fiver and a guaranteed £1500 can only draw more runners
    Yes please xxxx
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