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Blatant Chuffness Thread - You have been warned

JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
edited June 2010 in Poker Chat
Well it started off as a few mates coming around to my house for a Friday Night Home game.  A few beers, a big bowl of chilli and a pack of cards,  what more do a group of healthy, young (ish), Good looking (Cough Cough ), lads need to have a great Friday night.

Didn't happen  sigh.  A few call off and we didn't have enough for a game.....  Billy No Mates, right enough.

"Never Mind", says the wife, "I've got a few friends coming around to watch Back to Back "Britain's Got Talent" Episodes.......  or you could go and have a game at the Casino" 

The "O" in Casino was still coming out of her mouth and I was in the car with the engine running.  Hit the Casino with 30 minutes to spare before the start of a £20 NLHE with 2 £10 re buys.

Around 20 runners, not the biggest they've had on a Friday but it's the Bank Holiday in Scotland next week so a few people were away for the long weekend.

Game started badly, ended up getting flushed twice on the river and had to use both of my re-buys pretty quickly, then I settled down to play a patient waiting game.  Eventually we're on the last hand before the break and I'm looking at Ace King of Diamonds  The flop comes down......  you've guessed it three diamonds,  I decided to slow play it as I'm first to act.  A small bet on the turn from the Big Blind and I hesitate before calling, eventually we get to the River, which is a blank....  I move all in.

The two guys I'm playing against spent ages , one guy turns around and says "That's the stupidest bet I've ever seen, If you're trying to represent the flush you've left it too late son".  He calls.... the next guy says  "It could also be the cleverest bet".  He laughs and calls.  I turn over the Nut flush and triple up  Which takes me to the final table as chip leader.

Eventually we are down to 4 players, with the top three getting paid.  We agree that 4th place will get £40 from the 1st Place prize to cover his costs, and we play on.  I knock out the 4th place guy and we're down to three.  CHUFFNESS abounds,  first time I have ever cashed in a live game.  Gone out on the bubble three times my last 5 visits but never made the cash.

We play on.  The other two guys get it on and we're down to two player, I have a small chip advantage at this stage.  I turn around waiting to see the bevy of beauties bring the cash out to the table on silver platters... it must have been their night off.

I can't believe this, I'm heads up in a live tournament.......  stay calm...... what would TK do?...... HE'D FALL ASLEEP...... mmm not an option really.  

I do remember TK saying on Sky that when heads up be aggressive, raise with any two cards when you're on the button. "What the heck" says I.... 20 minutes later I've pounded the guy into the felt and i've got a 3 to 1 chip lead.  By this time it's the wee small hours of the morning, the guy is an older guy and looks like he needs a kip.  I offered a chop and he grabs my hand off.  Even with the chop this was my biggest single winnings since I started playing Poker

So technically, did I win?  Possibly not, as we chopped it, but with a 3 to 1 chip lead and an opponent falling asleep I think I had him.

Anyway I did warn you that this was a blatant chuffness thread, so if you read this, thanks for being interested. 

See you on the tables


  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited June 2010
    Quality Jock, much better than watching Britains Got Problems and you made a few quid too.
  • BANDICOOTBANDICOOT Member Posts: 675
    edited June 2010
    Nice post Jock. VWD!
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited June 2010
    Nice one Jock :)
  • MohicanMohican Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2010
  • HAL_9000HAL_9000 Member Posts: 216
    edited June 2010
    Did you win? Did You Win?
    I should say so.

    If they run a league then as chip leader you should claim the points for 1st place there by giving you the win "on paper" but if I were you I would be claiming a modest victory.

    Glad your getting into the live scene and many congratulations.

    probably no need to say this on this occasion but anyway

    "Keep Smiling"


    PS. I have sent you a PM
  • LMLLML Member Posts: 1,708
    edited June 2010
    Of course you won Jock!!

    Any time you cash you win.. Let alone with a 3-1 chip lead!

    AWESOME NEWS! VWD Sir.. Britain most definitely has got Talent.. On the tables :) x
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited June 2010
    Yey Woohoo!!! Well done and Im still laughing at the thought of you in your car as your poor wife is still getting out the the word Casin...... hahahaha
  • DiggerManDiggerMan Member Posts: 1,027
    edited June 2010
    Very well done Jock! Great stuff and that is defo a win in my book!
    ....I think you may need to have a quiet word with your good lady about HER addiction though! ;)
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited June 2010
    Great result.
    Great post.
    Nice one.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited June 2010
    nice work mr bmw, i remember the feeling of winning my first live tournament and nothing compares

    i can also relate to lots of bubbles in live games

    well done, nice refreshing post
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited June 2010
    Thanks for the comments guys,  just had a chance to read most of them today.

    Love the picture Mohican lol
  • candicandi Member Posts: 2,162
    edited June 2010

    Congratulations  Jock, made up for you xxxx

    I have to say i do LOVE Britain`s got talent, but it would come second to poker :)
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited June 2010
    Great post Jock ... well done. Love the bit about the 'O' in casino ....... and had the car engine running.
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