The last couple of Main Events I've played have been a disaster. Out in the first 10 minutes is becoming my signature lately, so ........
Taking DOHx7's advice I had a cash session last night and it was brilliant. Don't panic this isn't a brag-brag post because I didn't really make much of a profit for a night's 'work,' but I had such a good time. I played a Mastercash table and was surrounded by some really scary players. The chatbox banter (orchestrated and led by Dylan) was brilliant and it was a few hours of excellent poker. Then the highlight of the night was a session of HiLo Omaha. I lost a buy-in or three but so what! Tikay was on the table, on his night off btw, and I'm sure he was chuckling to himself at the antics of most of the rest of us in trying to get to grips with the HiLo game. Dylan and Greg provided the infectious humour, and Vince's dry wit was brilliant. Cowgo provided the 'fishyness factor' (yes, I'm bitter and twisted), and even scary Tommy joined in the game late on. The 'main course' was great but the 'sweet' was delicious when Lisa Marie joined-in for a post-show wind down.
The only downside was a brief talk about a certain post criticising the Sky analysts and presenters. Where else can you play this game with such good company and as a bonus have the presenters join you into the early hours when they could so easily have clocked off and done their own thing. These folk don't just talk the talk!
I'll probably bomb-out of the Primo tonight but hopefully there will be a game of HiLo to restore my sanity later on. After 30 years of playing tournaments I've discovered the pleasures of a cash game. I run so good!
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I'd just like to echo your comments about Tikay and Lisa-Marie.
Thank you for the kind comments Alan.
Yes, it was my night off, & was just chilling, having a quiet (not chatting, just relaxing & playing) PLO8 session before an early night after a day off in which I'd had some really rather serious personal issues to attend to. LML mentioned on the Show I was on a PLO8 Table & suddenly, it was bedlam!
To cut a long story short, we soon had two full PLO8 Tables on the go, & my early night became an early morning - it was 04.30 this morning before we eventually pulled stumps, the final four being Hoggers, Mere, BennyDip & myself.
I'm doing tonight's Show, but hopefully I may be able to join you for a while afterwards. But I'm on those Tables almost every night, so call again!
I have to say, that summed up poker for me - it was such fun, & everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It's remarkable how Omaha players never mon about "beats", because if you want to see "beats", Omaha is the game, & they were two-a-penny last night.
Elsa got coolered time after time, usually by Cowgomoo, who in turn got coolered several times by me, but everyone took their medicine stoically.
To all those who took part, thank you.
I'd had some really rather serious personal issues to attend to. Hope it goes well for you good sir
Well done, dead glad you found another type of game that you found fun
Good luck in the Primo tonight x
thank you too tikay,
was great fun, i do not consider myself an ohama player, far from it, but its great to play with super players like yourself, merenovice, tommyd, llama, to name but 4, at affordable stakes!
got to be a great learning tool!
8.15 is just so negative
The very best of luck in the Primo hunni xxxxx
remember 23 is the nuts!