Hi peeps-- I played the 21.15, 2.20 deep stack last night, and it was full of strange donkey shaped flopwits, whats going on ere then?, I thought to myself, 32 donkeys, and only two poker players??--- Tabbycat and I had a massive one and a half hour marathon heads up, which was a brilliant game, especially after such a bunch of flopwits. My spot da loonie meter went completely off the scale and had to be re-calibrated!!
Play this deepy tonight lads!!---please!!--- we have to reclaim it from these flopdiddleedoodah flupwits that think deep stack poker is the same as a turbo speed one chip russian roulette freeroll---
Easy money for my peepy friends, come on lads and lady peeps, lets show them what solid deep stack poker is all about, sign up now and we will have a laugh
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And I ain't Floppin Kiddin Fluppers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like these floppers have all been let out of Facebook Poker Asylum to me. Let hope we can round them all up and have them back in by midnight.
Good Luck
Floppa Winna!!!!
Never mind the helmet trev-- you will need a fluppin bunjie rope to keep up with this lot!!
(see monty python-- how to defend yourself against a man armed with fresh fruit)
I will be eating a fray bentos steak and kidney pudding with mash and peas, so if you hear some strange noises after the first break, just be glad you can't get virtual smells!!
oyyyyyyyyyy i am innnnnnn and coming to get youuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!
There were some comments about new players being better of trying the £2.20 deep stack than the bottom end DYM sit & go's the other night. Maybe more people read the forum than you realise.
(I wasn't in there last night)
give them a try if you hav'nt already