Thanks guys for a great evening.................just glad i didnt totally donk off and surpassed my aspirations.
Lisa, you are a princess and tikay, you are a legend
hopefully SNGs later
was a pleasure, thanks, hopefully see you both at future SPTs
and thanks to all the guys railing - dylan, greg, glenn, phil, solar dave,machka, darich, dtw, and cowgomoo also, sorry for anyone i missed but was all a blur, except the quad 2s lol
Good to see a fellow Doctor Who fan. I was never into it when I was a kid but became addicted recently since Russell Davies and Steven Moffat got involved in the writing and production. Still undecided about Matt Smith, he has a hard act to follow after David Tennant. But Karen Gillan is hot ! Any other fans out there with views on their favourite Doctor/episode ? Mine is probably Blink. Posted by penguin7
My main fear for Matt Smith is he could end up being as popular as when Colin Baker was the Doctor and us DW fans know what a great success he was - NOT!!!
Regarding Karen Gillan there is only one word to describe her - PHWOAR!!!! .
For me my all time favourite Doctor has to be the late great Jon Pertwee mainly because when i was a little nipper many moons ago, i watched religiously that other show he did - WORZEL GUMMIDGE!.
I honestly do believe they could remake that show with Tikay as Worzel Gummidge and Lisa-Marie as Aunt Sally!
And as HuFlungPu says in "World Cup Corner", them tooting things that they blow for 90 minutes need to be poked up their bottys.
Lisa, you are a princess and tikay, you are a legend
hopefully SNGs later
was a pleasure, thanks, hopefully see you both at future SPTs
and thanks to all the guys railing - dylan, greg, glenn, phil, solar dave,machka, darich, dtw, and cowgomoo also, sorry for anyone i missed but was all a blur, except the quad 2s lol
and thanks skyling ansd sara
Next time, i gotta do studio lol
Well Done to David tonite on the Grind n1 m8
Great show Lisa-Marie and Tikay, it always is on ladies night!
now lets get SNGing
got time for 1 then head home try my own connection lol
we also have the lovely Walkers shortbread up here, and errrrr Macallan amongst other whiskies
No idea wat a motorway is though
Thanks for taking part JAEGERBOMB! Congrats on such a fantastic result.
Hope to chat with you again soon x
Regarding Karen Gillan there is only one word to describe her - PHWOAR!!!!
For me my all time favourite Doctor has to be the late great Jon Pertwee mainly because when i was a little nipper many moons ago, i watched religiously that other show he did - WORZEL GUMMIDGE!.
I honestly do believe they could remake that show with Tikay as Worzel Gummidge and Lisa-Marie as Aunt Sally!