Gosh.. well what a day it's been. I have munched my way through a packet of Nik-Naks, half a chicken with salad (For 'salad' see 'chips') and a four pack of 'Not just any' chocolate mousses and still it RAINS!!
That's it then. GAME OVER. I simply cannot leave the house. At least some nice strangers keep popping into my room to say hello (Estate agent has viewings all this week.. I might ask them to bring some supplies with the next one.. I'm running thin).
Just as well then, that I am tonight's (and tomorrow's) PTP persona! I may as well strap a Ma-hooooosive giant red target onto my avatar and prepare for the inevitable slaughter!!
This evening I shall be playing (for 'playing' see 'donking') in mostly Omaha games.. I'm thinking a few DYMs, maybe some cash and Definitely a few cheeky £2.20 10 seater S&Gs late into the night.
I'm also going to get involved, show my support and add some VALUE to the Monday night 19:15 Deepie.
So come and join me... I'm toying with the idea of doing tomorrows PTP on my personal account to see if It makes a difference to my current online downswing. Worth a try right?!
Come seek me out 'Lisa_Long'.. Which is still not my name. *sigh*
That really bothers you dunnit!!!!!
My name is John Joe, and anytime someone rings, or comes to the door and asks for John, my Mum used to tell them they had the wrong number, or that no1 called John lives here.
It REALLYYYYY wound her up ! haha
Hopefully will join in some volatile Omaha action throughout the evening all being well!
Oh Big Lisa what have you done... why would you supply people with ammo to yse against you??
Could be worse.....you could of be known as Big Sarah Marie......and drive everybody nuts!.....oh, hang on.......