Hi all dont know if you are single, married or in a relationship. But if your like me, you spend a lot of time playing poker and convincing the girlfreind its worth spending so much time on because it will make you both rich and ill be able to buy you a nice diamond ring or holiday. But its not always as easy as that and even though mine dosnt mind, i know she does really! When she says are you coming up to bed and i reply yes i wont be long i just have to finish this game. When really what i mean is 'im gonna be up all night and ive lost again'. And when I actually go to bed and she asks did I win and I say "nearly some donk just knocked me out with a stupid call with J 2 against my AA and i went out on the bubble. I try to explain the hand to her and she just looks at me as too say what on earth are you talking about i dont care your late for bed, without saying a word. And all i want is some understanding or someone to blame for my bad play. Its really just to make me feel better or an excuse for staying up so late.
So ive started this thread to see what excuses you use or how you deal with your partner when like me i was supposed to do the decorating while she was away but instead played poker. What reasons do you give to justify playing poker is a good thing that will benifit you both or am I on a road to ruin when she says its poker or me YOUR D U M P E D!
Not that she would lol she loves me too much
i have gone for number one, tell her i will be right there after his game..... i think we both know i dont mean it, its just something we say now.. infact i told her i was coming to bed two games ago and i am waiting for the third to start...

i will of course try to sneek into bed at 4am without waking her, if she does wake up i will try the "i came to bed hours ago and just went to the toilet" routine. i dont think she has ever fallen for it, but god loves a trier.
I think the onlly person older than me on Sky Poker is Tikay and he only has his cat to worry about. I wonder if the cat gives him the evils for staying up late.
"In the game of life, women are the rake."
Edward Norton, from Rounders, 1998
"No wife can endure a gambling husband, unless he is a steady winner. "
Thomas Robert Dewar
Right i'm off to bed now, she's asleep !! I know this because her snoring has woke the dog up (marvelous)
Luckily for me I do not live with my girlfriend so I don't have this problem (yet...), but I imagine that if I was in the middle of a game and she asked me if I was going to bed I'd probably say "No, i'll go to bed when I want to go to bed, thank you"! Honesty is the best policy even if it p!sses her off.
Of course if she gave me an extra special incentive to go to bed, I might turn the laptop off straight away. Would have to be a pretty special incentive though....
*Insert Inappropriate Term*
what we should do is get people to make suggestions on diffeent quircky ideas around this g/f problem and run a poll to see who gets what and road test them that way we can give our best advice, in all situations. Also it would be a right laff to see what gets suggested and the response from the g/f's.