You needn't feel old, by the way. Thirty is a wonderful age (as are all the subsequent ages that follow it).
At thirty, I started to get that immensely liberating feeling, whereby I ceased to care what others thought of what I did or said.
You just reach that age where you reason “I have good intentions, and am true to my heart... if people misconstrue that; then it's their problem – not mine”.
You begin to find your own personal space on our glorious, unfathomable planet. You also start to celebrate and value yourself for your failings – as well as for your attributes. You start to really cherish what's important, and instead of constantly asking “Why?”, you start to ask “Why not?”
You begin to dance like nobody is watching, and embrace the feeling that if you're not living life on the edge, then you're probably taking up too much room. You'll laugh into the wind, and throw your arms open to the heavens when the storms begin.
Sure, after a while you'll start soiling yourself too, but by that time, you'll be far too Tonto to care.
Let me know if you want to hear how I beat 'The Hun' during the last three Crimean Wars.
Can i just add, i didn't feel old at 30, nor at 35. I didn't even feel old when i hit 40. The time when this age thing hit me, was when my precious little girl hit 18.
So Happy Birthday young man, hope you have a great day.
i was 30 a couple of months back know how you feel lol
Mwhaaa! xxx
Tis true though, from 30 on you are just wiser and at ease with youself....or you have a if i were you I'd go for the first option
Hope you're having a lovely day
Have a great day and have a nice drink..not too much though......
Oh go on then cheers :^ ) xxxxx Have a grrrreat time!
Happy Bervday MATE!!!!!.......Hope you have a good one......carnt wait till I am 30.....
happy birthday..
Can i just add, i didn't feel old at 30, nor at 35. I didn't even feel old when i hit 40. The time when this age thing hit me, was when my precious little girl hit 18.
So Happy Birthday young man, hope you have a great day.
Yesterday was also my birthday, but I turned 21
Hope you had as good day as I did.