Just played a £10 heads up with Inka2003, I lost connection and reconnected with just 200 chips, Inka2003 offered my chips back by letting me raise him til we were both back to 1000. felt embarrassed a bit when I finally won !
Whilst we all probably hope that we can make some money from playing, for a lot of people on here the winning isnt the be all and end all.
Some people just want to have a good game of poker and the winning or losing is secondary, with hopefully the winning adding a bonus to a pleasant game. In a heads up game with one player away there isnt likely to be much fun for the remaining player, even thoguh he's guaranteed a profit.
In addition, a lot of players play heads up games to gain the experience of playing heads up, as its a situation that you dont come up against very often. I remembe on a now extinct poker show, Casper and Nick mentioned that they use to play heads up games against each other all the time, for the experience.
Hats off to Inka for the gesture, although he's probably raging around his home now thinking why did I make that offer, I couldve made some easy money
Now this is sportsmanship. Im all for the good game of poker, but by this time im at 1800 chips and your at 200. Sorry im just sticking you all in with the first decent hand i get, then again offering you a re-match and hope for a good second match.
But fair play to your opponent, seems very decent indeed.
I think this counts as chip-dumping and collusion. I'm pretty sure he should have his account frozen, and then have his plums removed. Or maybe he should be given a knighthood, I can never remember the correct protocol in this situation... Posted by FlutNush
Like it.
I expect you're loving all this coalition govn malarky, FlutNush.
In Response to Re: most gentlemanly behaviour on site, Inka2003 : Like it. I expect you're loving all this coalition govn malarky, FlutNush. Posted by Dud_Butini
I am indeed 'loving it', as they say on the McDog adverts.
Under this Tory/Leftie/Green/Socialist government, I'm not sure whether Capital Gains Tax is going up to 40% or 90%... or if the Trident nuclear missiles are being replaced by people who will fly out to war zones, and dish out a Chinese Burn and a wedgy... but it's all very modern and groovy.
I'd be Raising you every single hand until eventually you went out, lol ............. you was lucky to find a decent player who would do that for you because i'd imagine 90% of players would have just said unlucky and taken it all.
I think this counts as chip-dumping and collusion. I'm pretty sure he should have his account frozen, and then have his plums removed. Or maybe he should be given a knighthood, I can never remember the correct protocol in this situation... Posted by FlutNush
In Response to Re: most gentlemanly behaviour on site, Inka2003 : Both?? x Posted by TRIP5
The frozen account and the plum removal? Yep, both. It's the law.
I have a friend languishing in a Turkish jail for just such a heinous offence. Frankly, I doubt I'll ever see him again. Mind you, I doubt I'll ever see the 3 kilos of caster sugar I planted up his nipsy either, but that's an entirely different matter...
surly sweetners would take up far less room and make for a much more pleasant experience " delivering them", saying that the would get stuck up a straw or a ten pond note!!
Some people just want to have a good game of poker and the winning or losing is secondary, with hopefully the winning adding a bonus to a pleasant game. In a heads up game with one player away there isnt likely to be much fun for the remaining player, even thoguh he's guaranteed a profit.
In addition, a lot of players play heads up games to gain the experience of playing heads up, as its a situation that you dont come up against very often. I remembe on a now extinct poker show, Casper and Nick mentioned that they use to play heads up games against each other all the time, for the experience.
Hats off to Inka for the gesture, although he's probably raging around his home now thinking why did I make that offer, I couldve made some easy money
My finger would have been over that raise button before it even flashed up
But fair play to your opponent, seems very decent indeed.
I expect you're loving all this coalition govn malarky, FlutNush.
(it would explain a few things)
he was obv hoping that doing so would mean that karma turns on his boomswitch
he was wrong.