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60p roulette rebuy tourney



  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    I'm off to bed now, and I'm taking all the cards and the chips with me, so its off to the poker clinic with you mate, and you had better ask scotty77, talon, and mr mbro about how to play heads up with a NUTTER!!!
  • AskiAski Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2010
    woo hoo I thought I was going to have to fold myself there, as its time for bed here too

    I'll dream about my strategy for poker roulette rebuys, and hope they they introduce late add ons too, then I could always register when there are just 2 players left, must have a good chance of making the money then , even if I do only have a tenth of a big blind.

    Catch ya later Nutter
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    good night morning aski, was a good, hard fought game, with a lot of skill and masterful play--- unlike certain games I can no longer bring myself to mention in the same breath

               gl at the intergalactic tables, floppa whoppa!!
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,668
    edited June 2010

    Is this the thread to inquire when the much awaited next roulette re buy tournament will be?....

  • Dud_ButiniDud_Butini Member Posts: 347
    edited June 2010
    Excellent intergalatic goings on aside I'd like to return to loony's point.

    Firstly I have to declare a special affinity with the 1 min Roulette having won one on the very first day I played poker on line.

    My first day was heading for a loss until that sweet MTT (!) victory gave me £9.60 and a bankroll which has never slipped into the red from that day onwards.

    What's more it pretty much ensured that the poker bug in me was well and truly born.

    What I didn't quite release of course was that wandering around the lobby Robert (green) on that first day I'd somehow managed to hit upon the one tourney which would give me a decent chance to win with the skill factor brought down to a minimum. What's more for 60p it was inexpensive, fast and fun and the thrill at winning was still pretty good for a rookie.

    The thing is if I were starting out today what would happen to me clicking on a one minute roulette as it is now? The phrase "re-buy" meant zero to me on day one. I could easily have clicked on the rebuy option expecting that a site like Sky wouldn't be offering me something that didn't have some decent value behind it and give me a better sporting chance with the extra investment.

    How wrong would I be?

    Moreover if I went mad, bought a few rebuys went bust and then later studied the sums behind the tourney how would I have felt my first day at Sky had gone? 

    Pretty different I would imagine.

    Don't get me wrong I'm all for the variety that re-buys bring.

    It's just that so far rebuys have COMPLETELY smothered the one minute roulette tourneys (a shame for those that enjoyed the 60p thrill ride)

    Have COMPLETELY taken over the free roill section.

    Not to mention the new, much vauntered T-o-T friday night tourney.

    Proper variety would be a freezeout One Minute roulette one hour followed by the re-buy version the next.

    Even then I'd have to say the re-buy Roulettes are verging on underhand and hardly present Sky in a very good light.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    good post Dud, I certainly agree with what you say about the value factor in these, mind you, roulette is roulette innit, and you have to be looking for a quick gambling fix to play them. The skill factor ends, imo, when you successfully hit the confirm registration button with your mouse
  • FILIPSEBOFILIPSEBO Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2010
    Didn't there used to be a similar tourney on Sky called Frenzy 555 or something to that effect? I vaguely remember when they first came oout that playing a 25p one gave me something ridiculous like 25 poker points each time.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited June 2010
    Had a quick go at one of these when it first launched 5 rebuys later I took the touny down £17.22

    The most amusing part was when we were down to the last 3 players and only the first 2 places got a decent cash. m8y boy kept re-buying so he could try and take 2nd place, we were both automatically all-in everytime and eventually he gave up. Heads up the big stack was auto calling, I hit three consecutive hands to get my chips up and shoved all-in twice again and the rest is history.

    Would I do one again?............Only when I want to amuse myself.

    But the re-buys did save my tourny life.
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited June 2010
    im watching the funniest thing ever!!

    there are 4 players left and 3 cash!!!

    they have been re buying now for 30 minutes with 1 guy with almost all the chips!!!!

    no one wants to stop re buying as there doesnt seem to be a stopping point for the re buys!!!!

    the winner is now going to get over £40 lol
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