Id just like to say thanks to DOHHHH, Lucky7777 and OyNutter for encouraging me and giving me little bits of advice for cash tables.
Im now managing to read my opponents aswell as ever, and im in profit, ok not by much but still im on the way up (only 400% to what i started with), ive taken a little break just now but im playing some really decent poker, almost always getting my money in ahead.
Im back to playing ABC poker, which is far easier than the style i was playing, and also one that i think could benifit me in future tournaments. Ive loosened my game massivley due to some bad beats, and now im winning around 60 - 70% of my hands, and the ones i do win i seem to get paid for and the ones i lose im almost always getting out once i figure out im behind.
So id like to say thanks to all 3 of these players and didnt know how to do it and thought a public about it so new people to the forums can realise how decent people are on the forums and encourage new people to sky poker.
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But that aside its been very enjoyable and different to what im used to. I expect DoHHHH is warming me up the ranks for that very reason however i have confidence in my own play and hopefully could maybe steal a few bob off him
Post of the week, well done to The_Don and those who have helped him.
I did go on tilt a little yesterday, but i quickly realised, pressed stand and got out before too much damage was done. The words of wisdom you'd gave me at 3 in the morning where still in my head. Kind of felt alot better to get out and just calm down, then go back unlike my usual tournaments where i have to grind out the result while on tilt.
Good on you lot for giving The Don some advice and it's good of him to give them some credit on here, in my opinion. Kinda why I love Sky Poker's community so much...
Of course, if any of you want to do the same for fellow Sky Poker players you can always come over to The Poker Clinic and ask/answer away. Go on, you know you want to.
I even managed to have the confidence to go back and have another tournament, £2.30 entry half 9 bounty hunter, finnished second for £6 plus £3 in heads, lost the heads up shoving with A9 first to act and missed and my opponent had 44. Just a lost race no biggy, but i had recovered from 1BB at one point after losing AK to AJ but i felt like i played it well.
The only thing id say that ive learnt more, engage yourself with the game, and have no distractions (Ive missed so much of the WC because of it) watch every move and then i usually quit once ive done a little bit and im ahead.
Dearest Lisa Marie, patience and discipline will always be your achilles heel I fear. Perhaps there is one thing that might help, you could find a nice river, and go trout fishing with a worm every single evening untill you catch a 3lb trout. You would be extremely surprised at the results of this endevour, and I think your profits would soar, at least until your present table image is revised by the masses.
Only messin, ya big woolly---lol---- Patience will come, one day, when you least expect it, probably on a tuesday, around tea-time.