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Revive the CLINIC!!!



  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited June 2010
    Sorry Dohhhhhhh, I've never been in the clinic...just don't have time to sit and read through peoples bad beats...but will take a look around for you mate! To be fair though if I generally do have extra time then I'll be lost in the shed somewhere....that's how I like it ;o)

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited June 2010

    Way hayyyyy :)

    Bradfords answer to Kerry Katona???

    Thats a personaised DOHH/JJ compliment but only if u say yessssssssssssssss

    Some white powder stashed in the lorn mower where the grass is sposed to go ;)
  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited June 2010
    Good post Dohh,

    One thing I did think of, and have thought this from day 1.

    Most of the other big poker forums out there do not have a poker site running along side like sky.  Therefore, forum users usernames are probably going to be different to their poker aliases on whatever site they play.

    Here at sky it is the same name.  This can cause a couple of problems,

    1 - Ppl may not want to post hands, as it could be seen as giving free reads and notes to opponents.  It wouldnt surprise me if ppl actually made notes on ppl after reading some of their posts in clinic.  I, for one have thought twice about posting certain hands, but posted them anyway lol.

    2 - PPl may not be bothered about giving away reads, but may just be concerned about opening themselves up personally to critisism or micky taking or whatever.  This doesnt usually happen here, but of course it is possible.

    For a while now, I have wondered if maybe its a good idea, for people who wish to post strat threads in the clinic, may do so anonymously.  I have seen posts in different parts of the forum by `anonymous` but have no idea how they do it.

    Just an idea
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited June 2010

    Hi JJ,

    Excellent thread!

    I confess, I never visit "The Poker Clinic", I just don't have the time, as too much of my time is absorbed by dealing with the negative moany-woany stuff, so I'm cutting down on the negative time I spend on the Forum quite significantly, so I can concentrate on smiley-wiley stuff.  

    But I like to help where I can, & in this case, I'll try & large up "The Poker Clinic" via Blogs, Tweets, & on the various Shows. 

    I'm doing a lot of Shows this month, & I'll give it a plug on all of them, assuming my memory does not fail me.

    For what it's worth, your contributions to The Poker Clinic, & the Community generally, should never be under-estimated. In "The Club" which we recorded yesterday, & which first airs next Monday, we covered an interesting contribution you made. (The 7-8 of clubs hand).
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!!:
    Good post Dohh, One thing I did think of, and have thought this from day 1. Most of the other big poker forums out there do not have a poker site running along side like sky.  Therefore, forum users usernames are probably going to be different to their poker aliases on whatever site they play. Here at sky it is the same name.  This can cause a couple of problems, 1 - Ppl may not want to post hands, as it could be seen as giving free reads and notes to opponents.  It wouldnt surprise me if ppl actually made notes on ppl after reading some of their posts in clinic.  I, for one have thought twice about posting certain hands, but posted them anyway lol. 2 - PPl may not be bothered about giving away reads, but may just be concerned about opening themselves up personally to critisism or micky taking or whatever.  This doesnt usually happen here, but of course it is possible. For a while now, I have wondered if maybe its a good idea, for people who wish to post strat threads in the clinic, may do so anonymously.  I have seen posts in different parts of the forum by `anonymous` but have no idea how they do it. Just an idea
    Posted by OMahonyO

    I dont like posting any of my hands, or giving my poor opinion or advice (hindrance)
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!!:
    There's not nearly enough hands posted. And a fair amount are silly bad beats or coolers. Let's get some proper strategy discussed.
    Posted by BlackFish3

    1 day a week you should only be allowed to post winning hands for constructive criticism/discussion.

    Also don't play rush cos you got no reads!!!!! x
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited June 2010
    Well I'm in the clinic but everyone seems to have hiden under the table!!!!
    I'm only starting out with cash....I've posted some hands today to see if I'm on the right track..a little too tight..too loose...missing something obvious?
    Cummon guys....get over here!!!!!
    It's not all bad beats and I could do with all the help I can get!
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited June 2010
    people need to keep posting hh's that aren't ones they lost on or got outdrawn on,even sometimes include some where you won the hand.

    dont post results

    dont say ' can i get away?' 'can i lose less' 'can you see this set...?'

    just get to the main decision point in the hand, stop the hh there, give what info you can (dont have to give lots of reads on people you play with regularly), and remember not to take things to heart.

    anything people say is designed to get you thinking about why you do a certain action or to just put you down and make you feel small :p

    nah joking, it's just to get you thinking.

    there is no point posting- call turn....

    especially when the major mistake in a hand could have been made preflop or on the flop.

    just because the results of a hand do or dont match up with what you wanted isn't a reason to base your strategy on. you should have your reasoning down and be confident with it and then let the results figure themselves out.

    dont be afraid of making mistakes or sounding stupid when  you post.

    what would you rather, say something dumb and be told and read why it's dumb, think about thge situation and learn to play it better in the future, or would you like to keep quiet and keep making what could be a costly mistake regularly?!

    suck it up and swallow your pride. losing your money will hurt more than losing face on an online forum with people you have most likely never met.

    edit another good thing you can do is post your hand histories in terms of numbers of big blinds rather than money. the game is theoretically the same at every level and you just have money to keep score, obviously at higher levels you expected higher levels of play compared to lower levels, you have to take these differences into account but the bet size doesn't matter just the relative size of the pot and the money you have behind still to play for.
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited June 2010
    ^^^ Cracking post. Few more words than your usual ones too, beaneh :)

    Seriously, absolutely what he just said. The Clinic is actually ticking along at the moment but personally I'd like to see more of the beginners coming on there as well. If you're even unsure of how you want to play mid-pairs or something, that area is perfect for people who have a hand that they want picking apart and perhaps a helping hand in what they find a tricky situation.

    Remember; what we might consider standard is difficult/tricky for others. I'm all up for helping as many along as possible and appreciate the help of the Community 'regs' here.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!!:
    ^^^ Cracking post. Few more words than your usual ones too, beaneh :) Seriously, absolutely what he just said. The Clinic is actually ticking along at the moment but personally I'd like to see more of the beginners coming on there as well. If you're even unsure of how you want to play mid-pairs or something, that area is perfect for people who have a hand that they want picking apart and perhaps a helping hand in what they find a tricky situation. Remember; what we might consider standard is difficult/tricky for others. I'm all up for helping as many along as possible and appreciate the help of the Community 'regs' here.
    Posted by Sky_Dave

    I have carpal tunnel atm so my left arm is tingling and I cant type properly/use the keyboard for too long.

    As is I often post overly long posts but no one normally reads them, I keep the lengthy stuff for when someone actually seems to want to improve rather than just for a bad beat post, that's usually by pm rather than on the forum.

    People really do have some sort of abnormal fear of being humiliated or 'being wrong'.

    I pretty much guarantee that there is always a way to validate a play by specifiying reads on a player etc. Hence why so often we need to know about the opponent and recent history to make a good decision.
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited June 2010
    well I have posted a bit of a mix..some i won..some i lost..some i maybe didnt get the right value out of etc as I am a total beginner as far as cash is concerned.
    I'd like opinions and i don't care if what I am trying to say comes out sounding stupid as I am still trying to learn.
    I was playing DYM's so changing to cash means losing a lot of the pushing and aggression - I will get there on my own if I have to because I am determined to learn more and re-adjust my game as I am currently still making lots of mistakes on the lowest level but I think having different opinions would help me expand my knowledge more.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!!:
    well I have posted a bit of a mix..some i won..some i lost..some i maybe didnt get the right value out of etc as I am a total beginner as far as cash is concerned. I'd like opinions and i don't care if what I am trying to say comes out sounding stupid as I am still trying to learn. I was playing DYM's so changing to cash means losing a lot of the pushing and aggression - I will get there on my own if I have to because I am determined to learn more and re-adjust my game as I am currently still making lots of mistakes on the lowest level but I think having different opinions would help me expand my knowledge more.
    Posted by BananaDog

    this is the attitude to have!!!

    the more you post, talk discuss, ask questions the better you will get. 

    gl at the tables.
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited June 2010
    Thanks Beaneh...feel free to come and pick apart my hands/play in the clinic, I won't take anything to heart honest! (box of tissues ready)
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!!:
    Thanks Beaneh...feel free to come and pick apart my hands/play in the clinic, I won't take anything to heart honest! (box of tissues ready) x
    Posted by BananaDog

    I hope to **** you have hayfever !!!! LOL
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!!:
    Hi Dohhhh. I visit the Poker Clinic on a regular basis as reading the posts does help my own game. Unfortunately however, I do not consistantly play text book poker, so I tend not to give my opinion on many of the posts. I hear people say pocket 7's or Pocket 5's is an insta fold to a 3 or 4 x BB raise and I feel like pulling my hair out, cause its not always an insta fold in my opinion, it really all depends on the read you have on players on your table, stack sizes, gut instinct and so forth. Although I do feel I could bring another view to the argument, I think I would be pretty quickly dressed down by the more experienced players that visit the clinic. I really do like the clinic and enjoy all the posts but yes I feel it's very intimidating place to give your opinion, which is why I only read them, however, if other players could respect the opinions (Right or Wrong) of the less experienced players then I would give it a go.  Pokertrev.
    Posted by POKERTREV
    Let's stir this up a bit.
    In my opinion 55 or 77 is HARDLY EVER an insta fold to a 3 or 4 x BB raise at low takes cash. Same goes for early to mid stages of a MTT, unless you have a good read on the villain and he only raises with high PP.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!!:
    In Response to Re: Revive the CLINIC!!! : Let's stir this up a bit. In my opinion 55 or 77 is HARDLY EVER an insta fold to a 3 or 4 x BB raise at low takes cash. Same goes for early to mid stages of a MTT, unless you have a good read on the villain and he only raises with high PP.
    Posted by Seagull158
    Defo in cash as you can stack easily if you hit set. In deep stacks MTT's I probably wouldn't call 3-4x once I have less than 50 BB's but depends on if there's callers before me.
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