Dear Mr Greggers Sir...I understand what PM is but i am struggling with the concept of AM.... i do tend to get confused when i haven't had any pm's... is it a soccer show, the egotistical self or the latter part of the onomatopoeic word bam?? wwhd to help me gain clarity yours in anticipation.. xx Posted by TRIP5
I have always struggled with the concept of AM, it started in my teenage years and progressed through my twenties.
I've been playing in a very poor over-rated side lately................recently I've been courted by rival teams from the same country, and indeed rivals.................should i move to these highly ambitious and winning teams?? or stay where I am, with no chance of winning medals..
I've been playing in a very poor over-rated side lately................recently I've been courted by rival teams from the same country, and indeed rivals.................should i move to these highly ambitious and winning teams?? or stay where I am, with no chance of winning medals.. Yours Luka xx Posted by JAEGERBOMB
I am the captain of the most successful team on skypoker..............however it has been brought to my attention that 1 of our team and his agent have actively been negotiating a transfer behind my back!!!
When confronted about this, said player denied all allegations and accepted a punishment of 51 lashes..........
However, methinks he is looking forward to this toooooooooo much.
Should I double/treble his punishment? Or reward him for his loyalty by treating him to a macdonalds??
Dear hoggers, I am the captain of the most successful team on skypoker..............however it has been brought to my attention that 1 of our team and his agent have actively been negotiating a transfer behind my back!!! When confronted about this, said player denied all allegations and accepted a punishment of 51 lashes.......... However, methinks he is looking forward to this toooooooooo much. Should I double/treble his punishment? Or reward him for his loyalty by treating him to a macdonalds?? What would hoggers do???? Yours Mistress Trippy xxxx Posted by JAEGERBOMB
Evening Hoggers i need some help... So i wake up with the nutz in the BB. Mr Fishy raises from button and unknown calls in sb. I decide to shove for value, but i lost!? Posted by splashies
LMAO, I swear that this is what half my table is thinking most of the time!!
I have always struggled with the concept of AM, it started in my teenage years and progressed through my twenties.
Mornings are just wrong imo
lie ins ftw.
People keep bumping threads with my name in...
Listen to people who know what they are talking about like grantorino in the clinic
Luka xx
recently i've become rather impatient for answers. what should i do?
so you just can't be bothered to respond... how rude!!!!
get paid loads and do f/all
I am the captain of the most successful team on skypoker..............however it has been brought to my attention that 1 of our team and his agent have actively been negotiating a transfer behind my back!!!
When confronted about this, said player denied all allegations and accepted a punishment of 51 lashes..........
However, methinks he is looking forward to this toooooooooo much.
Should I double/treble his punishment? Or reward him for his loyalty by treating him to a macdonalds??
What would hoggers do????
Mistress Trippy xxxx
What Would Hoggers Do???
So i wake up with the nutz in the BB. Mr Fishy raises from button and unknown calls in sb. I decide to shove for value, but i lost!?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegobbygarn Small blind 100.00 100.00 8836.00 splashies Big blind 200.00 300.00 2320.00 Your hole cards J 3 Roche_x Fold DEBBIE222 Fold MAXALLY Raise 455.00 755.00 6026.00 gobbygarn Call 355.00 1110.00 8481.00 splashies All-in 2320.00 3430.00 0.00 MAXALLY Fold gobbygarn Call 2065.00 5495.00 6416.00 gobbygarn Show 10 A splashies Show J 3 Flop 9 K 6 Turn 7 River 5 gobbygarn Win Ace high 5495.00 11911.00
ul and wp!! Gotta love a squeeze play. The OR, obv had nothing... blinking fish" alt="" width="400" height="300" />