well folks after doing my br again ive decided im giving up
my loses to date are near £2000 in 6 mths and bearing in mind i won £1000 on sky vegas so it would have been near £3000 that kept me going lol but thats gone aswell and to be honest ive been topping my br up weekly
ive tried dyms i just dont have the win consistancy needed to make a profit my mtts are hit and miss never go deep in any big tournys and cash well dont go there lol so im going to think about wether to give it up or just play now and again but right now im off.
i just wanna say good luck to every one who knows me and may be see u in future
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There was a woman on this morning, who had done 37k in online gambling. It wasn't you was it Sim??
I bet your problem is sky Vegas - coz u arent that bad at poker, in fact when Ive played you, you have looked pretty good, with the occasional bit of krazyness.
How much of that 3k have u lost on Sky Vegas???? - stay off it, or at least keep your poker BR seperate!!!
U cant quit, ur hooked!
no dohhhhhh not me the 3 k is on here not sky vegas if any thing sky vegas topped me back up now and again but u are right that part of sky isnt good at all i hope one day to return till then see u
Ur convincing urself that ur bad at poker, blaming ur sky vegas losses on poker, rather than the other way round.
R u in de-nile?
You even said in a post earier in the week that you play on sky vegas everyday - once a month is too much!!
Bingo is fun tho
How can u possibly lose 3 grand paying mid/low stakes so fast? - much worse players than u wud take 18 months or so to lose that much playing low stakes.
I went onto the cash tables, and ive recovered my backroll (a little), ive loosened my game, when i get one bad beat i stand up and walk away for an hour or two now, i calm down. I find the S&G's extremely difficult to make a profit on too. One day i can be up loads, the next ill lose it all.
I now try to avoid them. However i'd fully recommened going up the cash tables to anyone. I only ever start with the 40BB just now as not to put too much of my bankroll in one basket. Although i will later start with the maximum.
But its something to work on, take a break for a few days then return you'll feel better for it.
Its obvious that if you play on Sky Vegas that you enjoy a gamble, never touch it myself !
If you love poker you should play on, but at a level where you can take the losses comfortably, and not be tilted by mistakes and bad beats.
But if you need to play at higher levels to get a buzz from the game, its a gambling addiction and I know myself that is hard to deal with.