My gorgeous and very talented friend, and someone I know you all think VERY highly of..Miss Kara Scott has been nominated for a Poker Mavern award for:
Top Female Media personality!!
If you have a moment please Vote for Kara at:
There are also lots of other Female poker like things you can vote for if you want or you can just press 'NEXT' until you get to Kara's Category.
Every vote counts and I don't know of a more deserving Lady!
Thank you!
Done and dusted
Good choice, shame Rich Orford and Tikay was not on the nominations, BOTH LOOK GREAT IN A DRESS.
Will be expecting you in the running next year, you have my vote
Tough one lisa i voted kara ,
but michelle is there as well !
AREA 51!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't see Myshell...with have to try to vote again...does anyone have a spare e-mail address I could borrow???
If Kara doesn't win that vote by a country mile there is something seriously wrong.
Cannot believe Roseau has so many nominations (did she set this up?)
Voted with all 6 of my e mail accounts and anonymously
Can you ask Kara when she's doing a new series of "Now Is The Time, Night Of Combat"? Those repeats on C4 at 3am from 5 years ago are getting a bit samey now. ;-)
Posted by LML
Oh, and Tasmin Lucia Khan's phone number while your at it.