There appears to be a simple answer to this, that is having a report button. Working along the lines that if x amount of players hit that button on a player it removes that players ability to post chat. That player can play and post but all anyone will see is the ************************ for there post including the spaces. I do not think that this would be too hard for the programmers and would allow everyone else to view the chat box, with their acceptable chat and comments. Posted by 4suited07
good idea or what about something in the lines of a modorator button a few bigger sites have these so a modorator comes straite to your table and sorts things out there and then!
or you can just be the bigger man/woman and ignore it. I have had it once where i reported it because it was sick but to be completely honest i get just as much insults from my mates on here lol i wonder if they really like me?
Honestly I do find it hard to work out why adults feel the need to worry about getting a bit of abuse in an emotional game. Are you kidding me? This happens on every site, and can happen live as well. When people are losing moeny they won't always do it with good grace.
All you really have to do is ignore them, or not use the chat box etc, or just send an e-mail to sky with the details. Not sure need to come and talk about it on the forums, as all players that play poker have seen abuse or had abuse, or maybe dished out a bit of their own from time to time if they get a little tilted.
As for how Sky feels about abuse... well its quite amusing that if you play via the set top box you can't actually chat, but you can use chat emotes, and two of them that spring to mind are "Idiot" and "LOL you clown!". So I guess they don't mind you throwing a little abuse, and I'd just sad there is no "You giant braying donkey!" one.
Honestly I do find it hard to work out why adults feel the need to worry about getting a bit of abuse in an emotional game. Are you kidding me? This happens on every site, and can happen live as well. When people are losing moeny they won't always do it with good grace. All you really have to do is ignore them, or not use the chat box etc, or just send an e-mail to sky with the details. Not sure need to come and talk about it on the forums, as all players that play poker have seen abuse or had abuse, or maybe dished out a bit of their own from time to time if they get a little tilted. As for how Sky feels about abuse... well its quite amusing that if you play via the set top box you can't actually chat, but you can use chat emotes, and two of them that spring to mind are "Idiot" and "LOL you clown!". So I guess they don't mind you throwing a little abuse, and I'd just sad there is no "You giant braying donkey!" one. Posted by KAM99
I've never understood why they have these options on there. You see a lot of post's telling people to report abuse when it's encountered but as sky actually sanction players calling each other these phrases i presume there not on the banned list??
HI MUM........YEAH LEAVE THE SITE........SOON IT WILL BE THE COUNTRY.....THEN THE EARTH...... seriously.... if it was bad enough skypoker will do sumink about it...... but hey.... it would take something realy bad to get me to report someone.... most dont mean what they say.... no big deal....chill
I one thought I was perfect untill someone pointed out my arrogance........I took note of that......corrected it.. NOW I AM PERFECT....LOL
When they are typing they are not concentrating i love it ya get thrir chips in the end!Abusive players are my favorite style of player just like a craptalker in the pub its never long before they get knocked out!
on the other side of the coin.. 1st hand of a tourney.. i raise big with qq get re raised end up all in pre.. he/she turns over 84 off, 2 pair later im out.. i let rip big time.. nothing sick or ultra personal but when someone makes a bingo play and get lucky you have to expect some sort of comment... if you act like an idiot seems fair you are spoken to like one. we are all adults and are accountable for our actions/ behaviour... give some bck/ignore it but no need to leave a site and it DOES happen everywhere.
shibby has hit the nail on the head if a player is abusive through a bad beat or just bad play then just tell him to reload maybe the tilting idiot will carry on paying you off as far as im concerned this site is mmuch more fun and interesting than the rest
i wonder if they really like me?
Honestly I do find it hard to work out why adults feel the need to worry about getting a bit of abuse in an emotional game. Are you kidding me? This happens on every site, and can happen live as well. When people are losing moeny they won't always do it with good grace.

All you really have to do is ignore them, or not use the chat box etc, or just send an e-mail to sky with the details. Not sure need to come and talk about it on the forums, as all players that play poker have seen abuse or had abuse, or maybe dished out a bit of their own from time to time if they get a little tilted.
As for how Sky feels about abuse... well its quite amusing that if you play via the set top box you can't actually chat, but you can use chat emotes, and two of them that spring to mind are "Idiot" and "LOL you clown!". So I guess they don't mind you throwing a little abuse, and I'd just sad there is no "You giant braying donkey!" one.
I one thought I was perfect untill someone pointed out my arrogance........I took note of that......corrected it.. NOW I AM PERFECT....LOL