Good post Banana, congrats to the both of you. The heads up was epic stuff and you were so close to winning.
Good banter on the tables as well and thoroughly enjoyed playing in it. Good for the small stake players to play players like Irishrover, TommyD, Solack, Penguin7, Ozzie, Elsadog, did he make my list and so many other top players.
Thanks guys, I actually won enough to buy a hutch and guinea-pig (just need to convince the more sensible half! lol) Well played to everyone....Solack, sorry about my manic HU play lol (think i need some more practice!) Catch you laters x
The atmo on the Final Table for this was absolutely superb. That means everything to me, as I think poker should first & foremost be a fun game. Well done Solly, Banana, & everyone else. One is quite happy this morning, with how it went. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks Tikay...I'm happy but tired, oh I didn't wanna get up and make the kids school butties...walk the dogs etc! lol. I was so tired I put the kettle on to make a coffee and gravy for the dogs food and I nearly put the milk in the gravy! ewwwww! Great fun last night x
Thanks guys, I actually won enough to buy a hutch and guinea-pig (just need to convince the more sensible half! lol) Well played to everyone....Solack, sorry about my manic HU play lol (think i need some more practice!) Catch you laters x Posted by BananaDog
If you were HU with Solly and you were the maniac, that must have been quite something. ;-)))
In Response to Re: Congratulations SoLack : If you were HU with Solly and you were the maniac, that must have been quite something. ;-))) Posted by MereNovice
The Heads-Up lasted for an age - LOADS of play in that structure - but there was "a bit" of shoving.....One assumes they were both getting a lot of big hands.
In Response to Re: Congratulations SoLack : ! The Heads-Up lasted for an age - LOADS of play in that structure - but there was "a bit" of shoving.....One assumes they were both getting a lot of big hands. Posted by Tikay10
well I really did have aces loads on that HU I figure if you can't outplay them then outshove them...shame it didn't work! lol
Congrats to SoLack and Banana (especially Banana. You played brilliantly all night.) It was one of the most enjoyable tourneys I've played in. The banter was excellent and the structure was ideal. I thought that HU was going to go on all night!
Looking forward to the next £2.00 ToT. £11 bit steep for me and £5.50 might be pushing All three deserve to take off and stay in the schedules, though, if it can be done.
Well that was loads of fun...I'll have to play more of there tourneys! played brill! Well done matey Thanks everyone who cheered me on..I really appreciate it guys xxxxxxx Luv you all MWHAAA!!!! Posted by BananaDog
thanks nana, you played a good hu. I cd have folded my KQ to your shove but decided it was time for bed, and got lucky on the river. Thanks everyone else for the congrats. Enjoyed he tourney immensely - had to dodge some early 'velocity' style play on my table but once it settled down it was great. Hope to see you all in the £11 jobbie later. I think 80+ runners wd be great.
Good post Banana, congrats to the both of you. The heads up was epic stuff and you were so close to winning.
and so many other top players.
Good banter on the tables as well and thoroughly enjoyed playing in it. Good for the small stake players to play players like Irishrover, TommyD, Solack, Penguin7, Ozzie, Elsadog, did he make my list
So much for the early night
Also well done to you too Bananadog.........Best HU game i've seen in a long time.
Great banter from the railers as well, enjoyed it immensely
sorry about the other day bananadog, I think they edited out the good bit, I can't even repeat it, that Lisa is sooo rude!
My excuse for not cashing is that I was concentrating on the £22 deepie !
Solack needs no excuses, as well as taking this down , he final tabled in that , playing a really aggressive game.
Well done m8
Well played to everyone....Solack, sorry about my manic HU play lol (think i need some more practice!)
Catch you laters x
The atmo on the Final Table for this was absolutely superb. That means everything to me, as I think poker should first & foremost be a fun game.
Well done Solly, Banana, & everyone else.
One is quite happy this morning, with how it went.
Great fun last night x
The Heads-Up lasted for an age - LOADS of play in that structure - but there was "a bit" of shoving.....One assumes they were both getting a lot of big hands.
I figure if you can't outplay them then outshove them...shame it didn't work! lol
So, so, pleased for Julie, I think I heard you shouting across the mountain last night girl.
It was very enjoyable banter all night in this tourney, it deserves to get even bigger in weeks to come.
Hearty congrats to SoLack
.....and to Nana; I didn't get to play on your table but you clearly managed to move up the gears extremely well.
Looking forward to the next £2.00 ToT. £11 bit steep for me and £5.50 might be pushing All three deserve to take off and stay in the schedules, though, if it can be done.
Well played all.
hi Graham, great game or what! I don't know if I'm doing tonight's either...hope they bring out more £2 tourneys for us commoners! lol
Elsadog..well played matey, shame we didnt get on same table though.
Barry, ty for your message
Dud_Buitini...I'm not sure what I did but it was fun! lol - I think change of gears = more coffee
well done to solack & bananadog ,
great fun mtt this one !