I have been playing poker on and off for 3 to 4years now, i love the game and hope to oneday make a small amount each and every week say like £100 a week then maybe play higher up ( Its my little dream please do not mock).
A few days ago i said i was done for abit with poker online and going to concentrate on other things in life. But hears the the thing I hate to give up and all I wanna do is suceed in this online poker world, I suffer from tilt ALOT I mean if I drop say 5 6 pounds I will straight away move up the levels to try and get my money back and this happens trime and time again.
At the end of this I go bust all the time I know I shouldnt play like that but just cant help it, ive never been the one to do the grind at low low levels like 2p/4p, again I know I should and I know this is the right thing to do if I ever want to move up and be able to take loosing a buyin!
Soo I come to you forum to really try and help me out, ive got a spreadsheet now set up on my pc with dates times buyins blinds funds at start funds after I cash out im hoping this will help into reading more into my game. i will be making a deposit of £40 on sunday which I think is the right roll for 2p/4p if im wrong then please tell me! I really want to be good at this game as I love it soooo much its been my life over the past 4 5 months and I do not want to fall out with it.
So please please any adive no matter how short or long I would love to know.
Thank-you guys and girls
Mr Root_Kunal
0 ·
I feel one of my big problems is not being able to fold and not believe what other players have even when there betting to tell me they have like 2 pair I just cant fold. I know good poker players know when to fold and no when there beat.
Mybe im not as good as I think I am, just at a really loose end at the mo dnt really know what to do. Ive wanted to do a post like this for aggggges but didnt have the guts to , do not know why though maybe it was coz im addmiting to be bad.
£40 is fine to start with at 4NL. I think 10BI is plenty for the first few levels.
As for tilting, this is hard not to do at times but you have to at times just switch off and do something totally different incase you tilt some more off, yes you will be down but in poker there are times when you have to grind, it isn't all glamorous so be prepared to do that. My advice to you is that if during a session you lose 2 BI's then log off straight away rather than go chasing - begin the next day again and get it back when your fresh and not on tilt - Rome wasn't built in a day and all that m8!!
I wish you all the best and just remember that in the Poker Clinic there are players there willing to give advice - any tricky situations etc or any proplems you encounter post and let people help you!! Very best of luck m8
I feel I do move upto way to quick usally win a couple of buyins then think im phil ivey!! It doesnt work. maybe I need to see the facts that im going to have to grind it out like everyone else.
Keep the advice coming please I will also be posting update from sunday night onwards.
I am now sticking to the 50 buyin rule and will never ever go outside it.
its possible to get ur money in ahead 10+ times and lose all of em (that means ur bust).
you need to think long term, dont try and move up after a week just coz ur roll says so, we can all run good for short periods of time, at 4nl try and work out how many hands you have played if your winning after 50k hands then move up.
A good winning player can still lose over 50k+ hands, so dont take it to heart if and when you run bad coz it will happen in the end and with 10 buyin or using a 10 buyin roll rule you will go skint in the end.
playing 100nl i have had many sessions where i have finished at least -7 buyin in one session.
Its hard, boring but its the only way
firstly, you can only lose 2.20 every few hours
second, the experience you will gain will be the best possible start to your poker life
thirdly, deep stack play is easy to transfer to the low stakes cash tables
The 2.30 bounty hunters are also worth a try, once you have a good game and have made a lot of notes on players
The evening deep stacks with at least 5 places paid are great value, a solid player that concentrates and learns how to play "spot da loonie" will do well in these
My roi in tournies is 32%--- It was 38%, but I messed around with my game, thinking I was too tight-- bad move--- back to basics--- getting better again now---- so you can do ok in these, and once you have a decent roll and the experience, you can go for the bigger ones, where the potential return is a whoppa!!