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oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
edited June 2010 in Poker Chat
 Hi Bernie, I just wondered if you could move the 22.15 deep stack, at the moment it gets hardly any runners because it starts 5 minutes after the most popular 2.30 bounty hunter--- The 23.15 deep stack was getting a reasonable field but it's gone from the schedule--- perhaps you could move it to 23.15- thanks for listening--

 ps--Would love to see more of the one quid-25 grntd tournies--- these always fill up, but they finish early afternoon--- I'm sure they would be very popular with the low stakes players in the evening too--- thanks again---oynutter


  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited June 2010
     Hi Bernie, I just wondered if you could move the 22.15 deep stack, at the moment it gets hardly any runners because it starts 5 minutes after the most popular 2.30 bounty hunter--- The 23.15 deep stack was getting a reasonable field but it's gone from the schedule--- perhaps you could move it to 23.15- thanks for listening--  ps--Would love to see more of the one quid-25 grntd tournies--- these always fill up, but they finish early afternoon--- I'm sure they would be very popular with the low stakes players in the evening too--- thanks again---oynutter
    Posted by oynutter
  • silver8acksilver8ack Member Posts: 1,190
    edited June 2010

    very good idea nutter after all they want as many in it possible to

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    And could you tell that Tikay to stop moaning about people that moan, he's always doing it, moan, moan, moan-- some people enjoy a good moan, and moaning is part of our culture and our right--- He never moans about Americans eating hamburgers, so why should he moan about British people moaning--eh?

     I would tell him myself, but he would only moan about it, and tell me to stop moaning-- thanks Bernie
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited June 2010

    Americans never stop eating hamburgers, wassamattawivem?

    PS - Bernie is on holiday I think, Sky-Rich too I think, but I'll send the Thread up to Adam right away.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
     Nice one Tikay,--lol--- I just thought I'd get your attention without actually hassling you--- Method in my madness see-- Actually I love your moaning, especially the one about "why would I want to talk to the the neighbours"--lol
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited June 2010
     Nice one Tikay,--lol--- I just thought I'd get your attention without actually hassling you--- Method in my madness see-- Actually I love your moaning, especially the one about "why would I want to talk to the the neighbours"--lol
    Posted by oynutter
    That's true - I do everything I can to avoid them! I get home after a week away, & I'm sure they look out for me, because all of a sudden the door opens, "ooh, hi Tony, how are you?".

    And I'm thinking, "JYFv,hgjygg*T&^R*564w6436334off".

    So I say, "oooh LOVELY to see you, how are things?"

    And then they have this ugly dog that comes up to me, all friendly, & I bend down & it slobbers all over me, yuk, so I stand up, how much do I not like that? And then the dog **** his leg & pees on my car wheels.

    Jeez, I'm tilting up here just thinking about it.

    I'm going home Sunday, & plan to arrive at 4am. I bet they are at the door. "Ooh, hi Tony....."

    And they really are lovely people, honest, they are. It's just that you can't choose parents, & you can't choose nerighbours, & I like to choose my friends.

    It's like that music you hear in shops & Restaurants. It drives me MADDDDDD. Who but a brainless moron would wish to listen to someone else's choice of music.

    Jeez, I'm 100% tilted up now, thanks to you.

    PS - Thread sent to Adam.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    yeh!!--And what about them floppin shopkeepers--eh?-- They don't give a flop how you are, so why fluppin ask ya?--whats it got to with them anyway?--- and you just freakin walked there, so you know what the floppin weather is like!!---" Lovely day"---lovely floppin day!!!--- How do they know what kind of a day it is-- it could be the worst day of your floppin life for all they know--- I'm going to tell them my dog died and I just found out that I have lost my house and both of my legs have to come off because of gangrene next time---lovely fluppin day---flopwit stupid!!!!!!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited June 2010
    yeh!!--And what about them floppin shopkeepers--eh?-- They don't give a flop how you are, so why fluppin ask ya?--whats it got to with them anyway?--- and you just freakin walked there, so you know what the floppin weather is like!!---" Lovely day"---lovely floppin day!!!--- How do they know what kind of a day it is-- it could be the worst day of your floppin life for all they know--- I'm going to tell them my dog died and I just found out that I have lost my house and both of my legs have to come off because of gangrene next time---lovely fluppin day---flopwit stupid!!!!!!
    Posted by oynutter

    "Good morning, they've given out rain, I see".

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
     What about them salesmen in shops--- "can I help you sir"-- flop off!!!!!-- If I wanted someone to fluppin help me, I would find someone to floppin help me!!!-- Do I look like I need help, do I?--- leave me alone you flopwit!!!!!!
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited June 2010
    what about those that tell  you ,in such a bored and artificial voice, 'Have a nice day'. you know full well they mean ' f@?! off you b@!£$%ds '.   i, being a mean spirited b'stard, just smile sweetly and say ' have a nice day to you as well'!!   their faces are inevetably a picture of absolute hate.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    yeh--- thats the only reason I decided not to win a vegas package--- "have a nice day'--- "have a nice day"-- I won't be having a nice day until the world wakes up and starts using Americans in power stations instead of fossil fuels--- thank you very much!!!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited June 2010
     What about them salesmen in shops--- "can I help you sir"-- flop off!!!!!-- If I wanted someone to fluppin help me, I would find someone to floppin help me!!!-- Do I look like I need help, do I?--- leave me alone you flopwit!!!!!!
    Posted by oynutter
    We might just, you & me, be kindred spirits.

    Woe betide ANY salesman who wanders up to me & says "can I interest you in something Sir".

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: PLEASE SKY BERNIE-- JUST A LITTLE TWEAK : We might just, you & me, be kindred spirits. Woe betide ANY salesman who wanders up to me & says "can I interest you in something Sir". NO! IF & WHEN I WANT TO BUY SOMETHING, YOU'LL KNOW. UNTIL THEN, LEAVE ME ALONE, RIGHT?
    Posted by Tikay10
    Funny you should say that tikay, my Dad and yourself are uncannily alike, he is on exactly the same intellectual level, he has the same thirst for knowledge, very similar interests, knows loads of stuff about industrial history, engineering ect, mad about tall ships. He read nearly every book on the second world war. He also has the same (feigning innocence) charm with ladies, and the same sense of humour too-- Honestly, if you two got together, you would be nattering for a week!--- My grandad (sadly missed now) was a radio amateur (g3mow) and was famous all over the place, people came from all over the planet for his funeral (Australia, Canada, South Africa ect), he was involved in decoding German messages in the war--- and he looked like you--lol
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited June 2010

    ''Oynutter finds long lost 'uncle'.......''
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010

    heres a link, this fella gives a tribute to my Grandad, he died in 1976
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited June 2010

    Lovely link Mr Nutter - I particularly liked this......

    ".....In my opinion, communication means conversation and conversation helps
    to win friends all over the world......"

    You were obviously very proud of your Grandad. Quite right too.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    Thanks Tikay, yeh, I was well pleased when I found this fella giving him a mention 35 years later, nice to know he's still remembered, even if it is by a German---lol---Those first radio hams were also the worlds first proper international "community" of friends that could talk to eachother every day, so I'd say they were the first people to have loads of friends all over the world really. His funeral really was astonishing, the whole family were amazed!-- "Where did all these people come from"??--- There were hundreds!!--- Just goes to show what communication can do eh---yeh, I am very proud of him. He built all his electronic stuff himself, and had a 70 foot tower in the garden. He actually had one of the best rigs in the world at the time, and helped loads of people to build thier own radios.
  • Sky_BernieSky_Bernie Member Posts: 75
    edited June 2010
    Hi Oy,

    It has been moved - Note: this will be it's last resting place, so rally the troops to get the numbers....

    Kind regards,

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited June 2010
    Thanks Bernie-- nice one, will do my best, I have to have the night off tonight because me Julee has issues that need my attention ( bet you never heard them called that before ), but as soon as I get back, I'll be right on the case. These are great tournies for the low stakes players and beginners, and I intend to start a bit of a campaign to get the message across --- Thanks again--oynutter
  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited June 2010

    High threadings for quality again Mr Nutter. I may think to tweak of myself now.

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