Well thats it!
Golden 2 months ago, now Im goneeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What a crazy game this is.
Ive been absolutely destroyed tonight for my last 7 buy ins, heads up.......this guy couldn't do anything wrong. He cudnt miss, I cudnt hit. Wow Ive never felt so helpless.
Anyway - having gone through the hottest streak ever - where I couldnt miss a set, or a draw, gonna have to clock off. Need the pennies for beer and take-aways

4k in a month was unbelievable, but the feeling of losing £800 in 10 days is much more powerful!
Shall be around, and in the shed.....
Uruguay win the world cup......
Ill be bak with a bankroll of £5 x 100 + 5 x 25 = well summat like a kooool £700 BR!
Goodnight, god bless
Oh and i agree with scotty how are u bust of you had 4k
If you want any cash advice you know where to come (yes..I can hear you laughing! lol)
Got my fingers and toes crossed that Uruguay win!!!!
^^^^wow I hope this aint true^^^^
Not Dohhhhhhhh!!!!
Please stay on the forum.
Somebody stake him?
Sorry to hear about this Dohhhhhhh,
But you will come back brighter innit
I know you know what went wrong and that you will ensure this doesn't happen again
Best of Luck and stay cool!
Think Action Dan is right, take in some footy and cricket and come back hungry in a week or two.
Fingers crossed for Uruguay too m8.
gutted for you m8 take a break watch rest of world cup play a game with your m8's then come back refreshed & raring to go
Haha, shouldnt the advice he receives surely be to do something different,?
Anyway, ANYONE will eventually go bust if they tilt withdraw 20% of their br everytime they dont cash in a £5 dym ;-)