Come on Sky, where are the satellites for this ? We need one at peaktime tonight. There may not be time for one after the match tomorrow. Posted by penguin7
agree, put a couple on between 7 and 11 tonight and i'll play them.
Looking forward to this. It's basically the dantb10 ds but without the man himself lol. I think Solack and Penguin should have £1000 bounty's on their heads ><
Don't forget that after the tension of the football, the best way to relax is in the deepstack. Its only £22 more than the Primoluckfest, and you get 2.5x more chips and longer and better structered blinds!
I'm in, but I am not in my normal happy go lucky good mood. In fact, I am in a foul mood. Actually, if you have a moment, I haven't been in such a bad mood since the time I took my car to the mechanic and saw him rubbing his hands and smiling as I pulled up.
So please if you can, play and try and cheer me up. Giving me your chips generally helps.
i would if i could afford it i played it once couple weeks ago, dantb ds, battled through field for 3hrs, finshed 45h, top 3 paid, then out in primo around bubble then £200 gone on cash on tilt lmao, so not good experience, but was fun, maybe next week i can sat in.
Some luckbox walked the last satellite:) kept 3 betting me every time, i wonder who that was...
Also, i don't think there will be penalties this time, i'm confident of a good game, and think we will score 2 or 3 as they have a dodgy defence.
I'm at a mates for the footy tomorrow so not sure if i'll be back in time :-(
If I am I'll be in!
Satellite into tomorrows Dantb deepie for only £12.
22.05 tonight, 1 in 5 go through.
See you on the tables.
i would if i could afford it
i played it once couple weeks ago, dantb ds, battled through field for 3hrs, finshed 45h, top 3 paid, then out in primo around bubble then £200 gone on cash on tilt lmao, so not good experience, but was fun, maybe next week i can sat in.
Not bad considering WC, weather, Dan in Vegas etc