Why is it I can't win a race, hardly ever hit a flop and go card-dead for ages with a succession on 92 84 etc only to then hit two or three top hands, all of which are either dominated or out-drawn. Progressing to the money stages of any tournament is becoming nigh on impossible. Any progress I make is generally due to knocking players off hands when the truth is I'm drawing dead and they are probably in front.
In contrast I've been playing the nightly $40k, and £90k tournaments on another site for the past fortnight. These have comparatively larger fields and higher buy-ins and yet I have managed to cash in 6 of the 12 I've played. Two of these were against fields well in excess of two thousand and I finished in the top 50.
How can I be so poor on here and yet I can be fairly consistent elsewhere? I am persevering in the hope that things improve for me on here, but it has got to the stage where I'm scared to play my hands. Hands such as AA KK QQ JJ AK AQ fill me with horror as I just get either dominated or out-drawn. I'm throwing hands away that I wouldn't have hesitated to raise with a few months ago. Position has become meaningless as I get hit time and again. I played three mtt's on here tonight and just couldn't progress at all, and I played like a novice. Any aggression by me is as good as over if I get a call. I know there is a mental attitude problem creeping into my game and it's making things even worse now. I don't expect to cash in everything I play and it's not the lack of winning, rather it's the way I'm losing that is the problem.
This isn't an I'm quitting post and thankfully it's not an I'm bust thread either. I'm still well ahead overall but only because I have reduced my games on here to a minimum. I do need a rest from the site so that's what I'll try to do. I say try because I like the people on here so much it's worth some losses not to lose touch, but my game has been seriously affected over a period and so I must play elsewhere for a time.
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Will be easier on here when the footie finishes and the normal 'fish' return
Take a break and have a kit-dog until then my friend...Or play and know that IT'LL NEVER LAST
Woof to you both
Would miss you if you left
12 tournaments. that is all
I could give you stats for the past 7 years and there are ups and downs throughout that period over a range of a dozen sites. My problem is that I've had a negative run on here since April and although that isn't in itself unusual in tournament play, even the worst runs will normally have some successes within them. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case here and it's now affecting the way I play.
Your statistics reflect this.
You have posted similar threads to this several times.
You are obviously a good tournament player (as your results show) but the variance that you are experiencing is far from exceptional in my opinion.
PM me if you want to discuss this "in depth".
As a result ive taken time away, Live pker has started to look up so re-building on that, Online poker is still looking bad though so no plans to return for another couple of weeks yet. The Poker Gods are just giving the fish their time i think.
On the brighter side, at least if you know your playing decent, it will turn around and winning ways will strike back. I wish you well.
Most of us have been there. In fact, if you haven't been there, you ain't a poker player!
You ARE a poker player and a very good one so keep the faith in the poker gods and your own ability!
Take that break (but not for too long, eh mate!) and come back refreshed and ready to rumble!
Oh, and let me know when you come back so that I can avoid losing my chips!!!! lol
Don't let the ba5t@rds get you down! Woof!
gl for the future
Atleast your getting it from somewhere.
I havn't had any in months.