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DYM, then play on... and on and on....



  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2010
    Points should be split and table should close down just like other sites.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited July 2010

    I suggested this on the forum soon after joining. Sky are losing out on rake because all 3 winning players probably want to sit straight down at another table and start their next game. The league points should be shared and the game stopped as soon as there are 3 players left, that's what happens on other sites.
  • ZEON49ZEON49 Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2010
    I used to play a lot of DYMs but now find that everyone plays extremely tight early on and then they become a shovefest when the blinds start to count. Why not restructure them into a 321 format so that the winner gets 3 x the buy in the 2nd doubles up and 3rd just gets his money back. This would keep everyones interest and mean that everyone would want to play them out to the end???

  • Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited July 2010
     Personally I have an urge to finish number one even if their is no extra revenue!
  • lastpoet22lastpoet22 Member Posts: 86
    edited July 2010
    Why not restructure them into a 321 format so that the winner gets 3 x the buy in the 2nd doubles up and 3rd just gets his money back.
    Then it would not be a DYM anymore
    But something else more hardcore

    Regarding stopping the game when only 3
    I'm afraid but I have to disagree

    This is good practice for heads up
    And I like playing it, yup

  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,573
    edited July 2010
    I'm with you greg.
    The game should end when down to 3.
    Most other sites do it.
    C'mon sky , it makes sense.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on....:
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on.... : My point exactly! to quote the great Oynutter, FLOPWIT STUPID!
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    I agree Greg--- FLOPWIT STUPID!--- Everyone has won--- so why bother playing, my only worry is that the technical team will get confused trying to sort this out, and the download will be delayed by a year or so
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited July 2010
    thanks for all your posts on this subject guys. I'll pass this tread over to the rest of the team and let you know their feedback.

    All the best to each and every one of you,

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on....:
    thanks for all your posts on this subject guys. I'll pass this tread over to the rest of the team and let you know their feedback. All the best to each and every one of you, Rich
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    thank you Rich, top man
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on....:
     Hi Guys hope not to late to add to this thread but as I play DYMs and this will effect me can I please ask Sky Rich and the Mods to remember that not all DYM players post on the Forum and they should have a voice in any changes to their game. OK the BR brigade have their point it is frustrating to have to sit there till one player wins and you do get the person that sits out and it takes age's to blind them out, but a lot of player like to be first and get extra points plus the experience of heads up practice without the pressure. So as compromise could there be opt out once three players are left and any remaining players can continue. Should all three players chose to leave then game finishes. The Points should stay [as they are] as its their chose to leave and in doing so are probably not interested in points anyway.  Annie x
    Posted by logdon
    Hi Annie,

    I totally respect your point of view and too hope the skypoker suits take into account your opinion.

    But i am not a part of the "BR brigade", i play for fun mainly. But i just cannot see the logic in prolonging a game that is a double your money, top 3 or nowhere scenario.

    But yeah, sky poker is a democracy, hense the poll

    I hope that if they change it it wont affect your enjoyment that the last thing i would want to do. I just want it slicker, and less hastle.


  • MICKYBLUEMICKYBLUE Member Posts: 2,035
    edited July 2010
    the game should end straight away imo. if u play a stt 2 win why play a dym?? this should also be the case in sats as well, i never understand people still playing when already through 2 there bigger torn........
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited July 2010
    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes it should end straight away, its always done my head in going on and on and on.

    Just play a pl omaha dym, I knoicked 3 players out whilst the blinds were still 25/50, out of the 2 players left 1 was away and handt played the whole game, the other wanted the points and kept folding grrrrrrr i was all in every hand jsut trying to finish the thing off took forever!!
  • Dud_ButiniDud_Butini Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2010
    Low level dym very late last night it was my last game for the day and obviously the same for the other two "winners" because we proceeded to continue playing for quite a while in a good competitive manner - if that's possible just for a few meaningless league points.

    Whatever the reward it was an enjoyable end to the game.

    But during the day when/if you've a few tables open then Greg's point is entirely valid.

    I vote for leaving the system the way it is EXCEPT players should be allowed to opt out as soon as the bubble bursts.....the first (and most eager player) to depart the scene is clearly not interested in the points on offer and gets zero and so on.
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited July 2010
    Hi Guys,

    As promised i passed this idea on to the rest of the team and here is some feedback...

    "Yes this is a good idea and one we have already highlighted from our own analysis as a future development"

    However, i'm afraid I am unable to provide any time scales at this moment in time but when I/we have more information you can be certain it will be announced.

    Thanks guys
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on....:
     Hi Guys hope not to late to add to this thread but as I play DYMs and this will effect me can I please ask Sky Rich and the Mods to remember that not all DYM players post on the Forum and they should have a voice in any changes to their game. OK the BR brigade have their point it is frustrating to have to sit there till one player wins and you do get the person that sits out and it takes age's to blind them out, but a lot of player like to be first and get extra points plus the experience of heads up practice without the pressure. So as compromise could there be opt out once three players are left and any remaining players can continue. Should all three players chose to leave then game finishes. The Points should stay [as they are] as its their chose to leave and in doing so are probably not interested in points anyway.  Annie x
    Posted by logdon

    Hi Annie,

    I'll make sure this is considered too.

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on....:
    I have to disagree This is good practice for heads up And I like playing it, yup
    Posted by lastpoet22
    Bad mistake!

    It's absolutely nothing like HU play when there's money at stake. HU at the end of a DYM is totally different to HU at the end of a MTT for example.

    I used to play for 1st in DYMs to get the league points, but with 8 points for 1st and 6 points for 2nd there's not much of a difference so I never bothered putting in much of an effort. I've abandonded playing for points now because I don't like the new format of the League Stars freeroll, I just start shoving as soon as there's 3 left these days.
  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on....:
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on.... : Bad mistake! It's absolutely nothing like HU play when there's money at stake. HU at the end of a DYM is totally different to HU at the end of a MTT for example. I used to play for 1st in DYMs to get the league points, but with 8 points for 1st and 6 points for 2nd there's not much of a difference so I never bothered putting in much of an effort. I've abandonded playing for points now because I don't like the new format of the League Stars freeroll, I just start shoving as soon as there's 3 left these days.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Couldn't agree more, this is like saying playing heads up for free chips is good practice- it's not. The only benefit of play money is to get the very basics of poker, same as playing freeroll tourneys gets the very basics of tournament poker. There is an absolute world of difference between freerolling heads up (like the poker you play with your family on christmas for plastic chips) and playing for real money, where chucking allin on 84s to 'see what happens' just doesn't happen.

    I only played a few DYMs, but I totally agree- split the league points equally and end after 3. The league points will be the same on average, since be honest- once you get to the last 3, the game has ended as a serious poker match. It's essentially roulette to see who gets the top spot. If you wanted, you could make it go by chipcount as to who gets the top league points, but I think an even split is the best way...
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited July 2010
    The play 3-way and HU is what the players make of it.
    It doesn't have to be a "c rap shoot" and I've had many enjoyable games once the bubble has burst.
    Players at low stakes who like to be able to carry on and refine their HU/3-way skills should be allowed to do so.

    Not everyone who plays DYMs is multi-tabling and desperate to start another game. Some people just enjoy playing poker, strange though it may seem.
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: DYM, then play on... and on and on....:
    The play 3-way and HU is what the players make of it. It doesn't have to be a "c rap shoot" and I've had many enjoyable games once the bubble has burst. Players at low stakes who like to be able to carry on and refine their HU/3-way skills should be allowed to do so. Not everyone who plays DYMs is multi-tabling and desperate to start another game. Some people just enjoy playing poker, strange though it may seem.
    Posted by MereNovice
    I havent got any facts and figures to proove this but I play a lot of dym's always have ranging from 30p - £55 and most of the time by the time the 3rd person exits the blind are up to at least 200/400 and more often than not 300/600 so 3 handed with the average being 4000 chips with the blinds at those level surely there isnt room for any play anyway?

    I only ever play 2 at a time and most of the time its one, so itd doesnt overly bother me I just go al in till i lose or they go out just really dont see the point of it.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2010
    Gregg you have my vote mate.

    I fully agree i was doing the same today and last 3, one calls my all in had me covered i won, meant all 3 still left. then none would call. I was on the bubble of the other 2 making it even harder to try and win chips. Was struggling like mad and the pc struggles to cope 3 tables and msn at the same time. And have to keep my msn on today since my mother wants to speak to me.
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