Just got back from th rio to get ready after watching Dan in action ! nn He played one hand. AKdd... Flop A..something like 2d 3d... Villain bets dan raises he hoves dan snaps.... On thier backs... Villain AKo Dan rivers the beautiful d to double up to 60k. Tha was 30 mins ago Posted by Nutter5932
Just got back from th rio to get ready after watching Dan in action ! nn He played one hand. AKdd... Flop A..something like 2d 3d... Villain bets dan raises he hoves dan snaps.... On thier backs... Villain AKo Dan rivers the beautiful d to double up to 60k. Tha was 30 mins ago Posted by Nutter5932
Nice 1 - ty for that Ben - hope your doing and keeping well yourself m8 - heard you made a FT last week, wd m8 - and give Dan some chicken wings to celebrate that nice scoop!!
Yeah not to good since then had some sicko days but lets not talk about beats. When dan ships this event i'll be laughing .
Well..Dan binked me out the ceasers he final tabled last night didnt he !
AA vs KK least he used the chips well.
Thier internet must be messy if tikay hasnt updated he doubled as it was a while ago. Were goin back in an hour to spend dinner with him before heading off fo a steak :P.
Dan remains rock-solid on 60k. (The average stack at the end of Day One was 42k, I seem to recall). He's doing just fine.
We have had severe wifi connection issues in the Media centre, so apologies for lack of updates.
Sky_Mandy has just arrived in Vegas, she plays on Day 1d, Thursday.
Have interviewed Roland De Wolfe, Thomas Kremser, Robert Williamson Jr, James "Flushy" Dempsey, Dan Brown, & a few others. Claire is trying to upload them all, but the wifi issues are making it a bit of a struggle, not helped by the length of some of the Interviews, which run to 5 or 6 minutes each.
We have also had a bit of a run-in with Harrahs, who told us we can no longer film "anywhere within a Harrahs Property" EXCEPT the dedicated "Interview Room", which is about the size of a broom cupboard, & slightly less aesthetically pleasing. Hmm, that's awkward, as we like to film outside whenever we can.
We will need to find a solution to that, as it's very awkward. We could use my Room - sorry, "Suite" (oooh!) - I guess, as it has a lovely view across Vegas, but the rooms are the best part of half a mile walk from the Tournament area. Nightmare.
I think that http://www.skypoker.com/wsop/ should work though.
Cheers Machka have replied
More photos have just been loaded onto the Photo Blog.
We have had all sorts of technical probs here with the wifi, but we seem to be OK now, so Chip Counts to follow shortly.
Many Thanks Tikay. Give Dan whatever is keeping you going! xxxx
Just got back from th rio to get ready after watching Dan in action !
He played one hand.
Flop A..something like 2d 3d...
Villain bets dan raises he hoves dan snaps....
On thier backs...
Villain AKo
Dan rivers the beautiful d to double up to 60k.
Tha was 30 mins ago
Irishman Owen Robinson doing well on 52k chips
Nice 1 - ty for that Ben - hope your doing and keeping well yourself m8 - heard you made a FT last week, wd m8 - and give Dan some chicken wings to celebrate that nice scoop!!
Well..Dan binked me out the ceasers he final tabled last night didnt he !
AA vs KK
Thier internet must be messy if tikay hasnt updated he doubled as it was a while ago. Were goin back in an hour to spend dinner with him before heading off fo a steak :P.
Gooooooooooooooooooo Dan! xxxx
Dinner Break, so 1.5 levels left to play today.
Dan remains rock-solid on 60k. (The average stack at the end of Day One was 42k, I seem to recall). He's doing just fine.
We have had severe wifi connection issues in the Media centre, so apologies for lack of updates.
Sky_Mandy has just arrived in Vegas, she plays on Day 1d, Thursday.
Have interviewed Roland De Wolfe, Thomas Kremser, Robert Williamson Jr, James "Flushy" Dempsey, Dan Brown, & a few others. Claire is trying to upload them all, but the wifi issues are making it a bit of a struggle, not helped by the length of some of the Interviews, which run to 5 or 6 minutes each.
We have also had a bit of a run-in with Harrahs, who told us we can no longer film "anywhere within a Harrahs Property" EXCEPT the dedicated "Interview Room", which is about the size of a broom cupboard, & slightly less aesthetically pleasing. Hmm, that's awkward, as we like to film outside whenever we can.
We will need to find a solution to that, as it's very awkward. We could use my Room - sorry, "Suite" (oooh!) - I guess, as it has a lovely view across Vegas, but the rooms are the best part of half a mile walk from the Tournament area. Nightmare.
What are the odds on this?
At 6pm local, I interviewed Thomas Kremser. The name of his company, & his nickname, is "tikay".
At 7pm local, I interviewed this year's Aussie Millions winner, one Tyron Krost. His nick throughout Australia, & poker? Tikay.
And I thought there was only one tikay.......