it's a fascinating prospect of seeing how harvey23 will play. he says that he will play cash tables tonight at 9pm-ish. how well will he play? will he play? the things he says are consistent with a very good player but those very same things are consistent with someone who is an imposter. what will happen at 9pm?
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Please, someone, can you keep an update going so I can see what has happened later (......if anything does happen, that is!)
Not sure he'll last too long with only £50 and everybody having a go at him though! We shall see!!!!
Good luck Harv, don't disappoint!
PS I haven't voted because there isn't a "Plays for 2 hours on ten tables and leaves 1/2 a BB up" option!
PPS Changed my mind, voted that he'll lose his stack! ul gg
He will not appear, that is all
fwiw, I reckon he is a pretty decent player, and will pretty much do well at 20nl, however, I do think he thinks he is better than he is. But confidence and ambition is a good thing I am told
he's real and not a bad bloke too
i shouldnt have played as i suck at cash but i wanted to witness the next best thing up front and am still reserving judgement still he is good in the poker clinic