Ok guys so suppose this is going to be another bad play/bad beat story. Managed to get my bankroll down to 0 and without exagerating 11 out of the last 12 SnG's I busted out by the river card.
Im not here to shout cheat etc...Just a friendly goodbye from me. I guess online poker isn't my thing.
What did make me grin was even some of the players on the tables continually mentioned "Only on Sky" And I have to say almost all the guys I played against were great, nice bit of banter (obviously there was a few idiots along the way too).
I set myself a target to be able to withdraw £50 so my deposits were even.
So upon parting I want to say thanks for putting up some great topics in the forums and thanks to all those I met along the way.
Its really confidence crushing when a fairly new player like me seems to have made the correct play and lose to runner runner or just river 90% of the time.
-One last whinge, banroll management - Done me no good as this has ran 3 days like this for me, will hold my hands up to some bad play the 1st day, but after dropping a level, I tightened up a bit and ...well, not much else I can say.Not sure what to do with my poins either but bye all - and again thanks.
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It happens, however i think if you consistantly get your money in ahead, eventually you will get the run when everything holds up. As im a TD live i can assure you it does happen live aswell. I could name one last week. BB checks with K7 flop comes K95 2 spades one heart. SB bets BB re-raise SB calls. 7 of hearts on turn. SB goes all in BB call. SB shows 25 hearts, heart on river.
When 2 drunken clowns collide.
Does this class as a bad beat??? haha
No wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I remember it going in on the turn - If I can see his cards, is it a winning play over time?
**** Eagle and his bare queen high flush draws.
The sooner someone fixes his laptop so the fold button works, the better !!!
Given his hand it would obviously be a winning play over time.
However, he's not always going to have that hand, is he?
If he had AsKc (or similar), you'd have been drawing a bit thin, wouldn't you?
If he had a set of nines, I'd have been drawing dead!
...But he didn't....
.......and I wasn't .....
;-))) :-)))
Also, Stoneface - the best players on this site make thousands per month, every month so it can be done on here, just like anywhere else. A good poker player is a winning poker player, so try focusing on improving your game and you will reap the results.*
*NB - Its not easy, you really have to work hard at your game if you want to improve and make money - this is how all the top pros have done it and will continue to do it in the future. Doyle Brunson has been a top earning pro for decades but he contstantly works on his game to keep up with new trends which happen all the time in poker, just like they do in other games/sports.
I have been playing mtt's and stt's on sky for over two years, and although I am up overall, I have never made a consistent profit, just a few big wins here and there. I then tried to build up a consistent profit from DYM's, but this didn't work either. So I finally took the advice which Doh has been consistently preaching in the forum and took up cash recently. Almost immediately, I have seen my game improve and take on a new dimension.
But my journey has only just begun. To quote an ancient Chinese proverb - "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Anyway, I hope some of these ramblings have made sense and I wish you and everyone else all the best on your own poker journies.
i accept almost entirely what you are saying but i wasn't actually referring to the cash format to be fair. i know how people make regular money on the cash tables and your novice cash player gets hammered if they don't know what happens. multi-tabling waiting for premium hands against single table players and average players or gamblers is the way i know and it works! i've had a little dabble on the cash tables but really dont like the nature of the beast but, and this is important, when ive been sat at the tables they dont throw up the same number of combinated hands, bad beats and river beats. from casual and limited observance that is hardly scientific but noted on my part.
trying to improve 1's game and mental approach is something i have been working on for 12 months now and will continue to do so as long as i play, but i will always do it from a mathematical perspective. its boring mentioning the beats that occur both for and against but where tournies are concerned improbable events happen far too frequently in my opinion. right down to being 4 and 3 handed when the software seems to fail further by not recognising the change in statistical odds for less players.
its my choice to play online poker with whichever provider and as such i am the creator of my own frustrations but i am not a mug or a fool(as some on here seem to imply) and will leave you with this little odds defying table play: quads to the table 3x in 5 hands with runner,runner twice needed by the s.stack to stay in and 4x in 7 hands in total??? i wont bore you with other notes of mine recent and old but somebody do the math on that 1 for me please.