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Best poker feeling youve experianced



  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited July 2010
    i won a freeroll on here in my first month with over 1000 people in that was a pretty good feeling!!

    shame it was only for about £20 ;)
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced:
    Bubbling the 'Vegas' Final, What a feeling! Nothing, NOTHING, can hurt me Now Humans!!! HAHAHAHAhahaha.........continue manic laughter to fade................................ha..... sniff
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    You'll get there next year.  And the pink suit has to be in the suitcase.
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited July 2010
    making my first mtt final table!!
  • OnlyOneCTOnlyOneCT Member Posts: 1,181
    edited July 2010
    Without doubt it has to be 5th place at SPT Manchester in my very first live tournament!.......
  • CLIOKIDCLIOKID Member Posts: 783
    edited July 2010
    Mmmmm it was the best and worst thing at the same time for me.

    I qualified for an event from another site for the "WPT Celebrity Invitational" in Los Angeles in February this year.

    It was a weird tournament as it was invitational so there was no buy-in although there was one $200 re-buy allowed per person.

    It was a $200,000 prize pool but only the top SIX got paid!!

    Loads of pros there, Matusow, Esfandiari, Laak, Bloch and loads of others. Along with celebrities!

    So it was quite bizarre playing.

    Anyhow it was a two day event.

    I did my first stack in getting it all in on flop against some pro who I hadn't heard of on a Q high board with KQ against his AK and he spiked an A on turn.

    So did the $200 rebuy, Managed to get myself just above average stack going in to day 2 with 160 left out of the 600 who started.

    Anyhow day two comes and I'm constantly watching the screen and seeing the numbers dwindle and setting myself targets.

    Right lets make the last 100, done. Last 75. Done. Last 50. Done. Last 30 Done. Last 20 done.

    And then it's oh my! I'm down to the last two tables and the winner is getting $100,000!!

    The TV cameras were there at this point which really set the nerves going a bit. I had Rikki Lake on my table who stole my blind the cow!

    Anyhow I ended up going out in 13th place and getting nothing for it.

    Was still quite proud but devastated at the same time...
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Best poker feeling youve experianced:
    Hi guys just gonna ask quickly, What is the best feeling in poker youve ever experianced? Mine would have to be at the end of a bad run and looking up to see the BR creeping back in the right direction. Although i have to thank alot of people for advice with BR management for that, its just a great sence of relief and pride.
    Posted by The_Don90

    meeting you  !
  • Kenny_CKenny_C Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2010

    In the toilets with a sexy female dealer during a tournament break

    Gave her a feeling all right

  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited July 2010
    ok...mines a little odd!
    Just before i moved over to skypoker I was on a diff site and there was this horrid lad threatening me and stalking me across every game :(
    I decided to go into a cash game (which I never play!) to try to get away from him without having to stop playing but alas he sat down next to me and shoved all in everyhand whilst taunting me in the chatbox....
    The site in question allowed the behaviour to continue and I was getting really upset with the whole thing....anyway I was in a hand and had hit the flop and the lad shoves all in but I was ready to fold as I couldnt think hubby turns to me and shouts "call him! if you loose I'll give you the money back myself!" so I did and he lost! lol
    He left the table and came back a week later appologising.....long story short I ignored him and moved over here with you lot!

    so...the next good part for me was the fantastic feeling when you all welcomed me and made me feel at home on the forum and at the tables xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced:
    when I was all in with a Qhigh bluff in a strip poker home game, and made my mum fold a pair of 8s.
    Posted by Mr_Miyagi
    lol. Bam.

    Winning 1st mtt was good.

    Best feeling ever is slow playing a maniac that's been bullying you though. Absolutely nothing sweeter.
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited July 2010
    My first ever live poker experience. 

    SPT Luton with Lisa-Marie, Tikay, Rich, Trevor and meeting many of the players I play with most nights of the week.  A great first live experience.

    (I'd like to point out I made no joke about feeling and Lisa-Marie, or Kitty)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced:
    ok...mines a little odd! Just before i moved over to skypoker I was on a diff site and there was this horrid lad threatening me and stalking me across every game :( I decided to go into a cash game (which I never play!) to try to get away from him without having to stop playing but alas he sat down next to me and shoved all in everyhand whilst taunting me in the chatbox.... The site in question allowed the behaviour to continue and I was getting really upset with the whole thing....anyway I was in a hand and had hit the flop and the lad shoves all in but I was ready to fold as I couldnt think hubby turns to me and shouts "call him! if you loose I'll give you the money back myself!" so I did and he lost! lol He left the table and came back a week later appologising.....long story short I ignored him and moved over here with you lot! so...the next good part for me was the fantastic feeling when you all welcomed me and made me feel at home on the forum and at the tables xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Posted by BananaDog
    I know that feeling. My mate was having a similar problem on another site, but he refused to report it. after a while of listening to him moaning i turned round, "give me that laptop already", now usually i wouldnt do this but id heard enough of the FFS etc and decided to help him out and it was only a freeroll he was in. 10 mins later after just completey outplaying the opponent (didnt see a showdown once) and a little bit of winding up in the chatbox (nothing more serious than the opponent said i was careful in this) he was down to 1 and a half big blinds. I went all in against him he called and i handed my friend the laptop back, take a little bit of pride mate, and hearing the little voice in the background, "yes hes oot thanks mate" felt so real.

    Although he now plays the freerolls on sky hes not got the confidence for the money yet, he feels happier on the 6 seaters.

    It shows the differance with a site with a friendly community too though.
  • edited July 2010
    Winning 2 Primo's. Planning to win at least 1 more this year!
  • BananaDogBananaDog Member Posts: 1,390
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced:
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced : I know that feeling. My mate was having a similar problem on another site, but he refused to report it. after a while of listening to him moaning i turned round, "give me that laptop already", now usually i wouldnt do this but id heard enough of the FFS etc and decided to help him out and it was only a freeroll he was in. 10 mins later after just completey outplaying the opponent (didnt see a showdown once) and a little bit of winding up in the chatbox (nothing more serious than the opponent said i was careful in this) he was down to 1 and a half big blinds. I went all in against him he called and i handed my friend the laptop back, take a little bit of pride mate, and hearing the little voice in the background, "yes hes oot thanks mate" felt so real. Although he now plays the freerolls on sky hes not got the confidence for the money yet, he feels happier on the 6 seaters. It shows the differance with a site with a friendly community too though.
    Posted by The_Don90

    yeah it's amazing how different site can be! Glad your mate has moved over aslo :o)
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited July 2010
    I have two, one which was immensely painful at the time and the other was just indicative of how bad/good I can be at poker.

    1) Winner takes all satellite to a TV format tournament. 20 runners, £200 buy-in, winner ends up on some show on another TV channel. It wasn't Sky so frankly it had to be rubbish, right? Anyway, I came second. Outplayed - and I mean outplayed - Nik Persaud for about 3 hours, as well as some really awesome London-based pros: Priyan De Mel, Barry Martin and some lass called Liv Boeree... Was the best I have ever played and was so utterly painful not winning the lot. Gutted.

    2) We're playing a £1/2 live game. At this time the stakes are pretty big and I am basically cacking myself because I'm taking a shot with £300 in front of me. Six handed, I post the big blind. Then someone tells me I am not in the big blind, so now I've just gone and limped UTG and given away £2. Nice. Lady next to me - who was a total preflop nit but post-flop fish (yeah, go figure that one out), raises it to £10, and it gets flat called by 3 others. It's a loose game.

    Now, I've been reading some of that Harrington stuff. I know I can make a squeeze here for about £48. I think to myself that I might just poop my kecks if anyone calls, but I reckon I can get Nit Woman off the hand now and the others have squat. "Yeah... that's right, that's a good play." I think to myself. "Now just look at your cards and no matter what it is, pretend it's a good hand, look weak and timid (reverse tells FTW) and make it £48 or so."

    I look down at A-A. I make it £48, she instaships, everyone else folds I snap call for the stack, she has K-K, I fade the two outs and rake in a pot around £630.

    Cliffnotes: Accidentally post a big blind, find a nit with kings, decide to squeeze, look down at aces, get it in, hold. Easy game :)
  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced:
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced : You'll get there next year.  And the pink suit has to be in the suitcase.
    Posted by Machka
    +1...I hope the Hitman will do Vegas next year.
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited July 2010
    Last night When i won the 8k Bounty Hunter!!!woo hoo
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited July 2010
    Defo winning first online MTT.
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited July 2010
    Playing for Sky in the APAT team championships (see pic)  was pretty special and then final tabling the tournament eventually coming 7th, coming home and reading the thread on this community was just as rewarding too so KidgirlGY will be astonished!!

    Week before that I entered a poker player magazine side event for $10 and won it for $795

    One night in Vegas I took down two tournaments back to back and then doubled the winnings on a cash table at Harrahs when I rivered a straight flush!

    Any Sky poker Tour event - they are fantastic win or lose!

  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: Best poker feeling youve experianced:
    Winning 2 Primo's. Planning to win at least 1 more this year!
    Posted by CoxyLboro

    You run like someone who runs really really well!!!


    I saw lots of your session last night when you texted me!!! my phone just didn't send the reply text for some reason. Non showdown winnings must be fun!
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