Woooo Im pretty excited and genuinely surprised that Ive managed to download/install/ AND RUN this recording software.
Ive recorded a table this morning with my commentary for 20 minutes....
The size of the file is on BB flashback pro....
20 minutes is "35,054 KB long"
This number means NOTHING to me, how long should I be trying to make them? It is only 1 table, and I specified the window I wanted to cover, there was no lag whatsoever, but when I replayed the vid there was a slight lag but no problems.
Does the above sound about right?
Is there anything I should do to improve it? - Th sound and picture quality is absolutely fine.
Imsurprised it went so well.....
Thanx, JJ
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Thanx Scotty, talking to a guy here who reckons I wont be able to share it coz of reasons I don't understand.
I will copy and paste the convo from M S N and see if u can understand what he's saying.
Darren J says:
but what format is it ? Is it flash , avi ?
JJ says:
flashback Movie files (*,fbr)
Darren J says:
it wont work
JJ says:
why not?
Darren J says:
that must be software's own format i wondered why it was so small
JJ says:
will u be able to open it and watch it?
Darren J says:
it needs to be flash , avi , wmp etc a common video format
no i doubt i will i have no codecs to watch it i would need th software u have
JJ says:
ohhhhh sh it so no1 will ever be able to watch it?
Darren J says:
u need too export it as a different video format something as small as possible.
there should be option in program i shall download that program and have a look how it works and tell u
ANY THOUGHTS? - Trying to send it via m s n btw
Its sent an he's watching it ok.
EDIT - Scrap that, it's send, but only the first 5 minutes of a 20 minute video.- AND it keeps pausing.
Aghhhhh so stressed.
Back to square 1
I guess you'd be best off getting them on Youtube, even if it's in multiple 'parts'.
Il get u the options 1 sec...
"Insert ready formats"
Then theres options to use "other formats" which are....AVI, STANDALONE EXE AND MS POWERPOINT.
AVI is a nice standard video format though.
HA! - Just another ??? for the techno-ers, wud it be easier/faster/better to attatch the files to an email, rather than sending it on m s n and waiting an age (20-30 mins) for the file to send?
Coz it lags me, and cnt use mic on there can u?
And eventually wanna post a link up and get multiple replies.
Im soooo close, theyre sending over msn and ppl r watching them.