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58p to VEGAS

KevilfishKevilfish Member Posts: 354
edited September 2010 in Poker Chat
Hi everyone!

I've decided to set myself a challenge. Playing MTT's on skypoker, I hope to raise enough money to not only fly to Las Vegas next June/July, but also win enough to buy-in direct to a World Series of Poker $1,500 Side Event.

I'm starting with 58p - there is no particular significance with the number 58, it's just the amount I had in my sky account...

I've worked out it will be around £600 for a flight, £200 for accommodation (for a week), and about £1000 for the privilege of playing in a World Series of Poker Event.

So, £1,800 is my goal.

My Plan;

I'm going to be playing mainly Freerolls in my first period of playing, to slowly (or hopefully quickly) build up enough of a bankroll to play the £1.10 and £2.20 MTT's.

The rules I'm setting for myself are;
No rebuy's
No bounty hunter tournaments
No "speed" games and
No big tournament entry (unless I satellite)

I will however be trying to satellite into the SPT Grand Final so when the time comes, I will treat it separately to my 58p-VEGAS challenge.

I'll keep a running update on this thread adding to it when I cash.

Here I gooooooooo

(ps, sorry if when you read the title you thought it was the flight deal of the century, my bad)


  • KevilfishKevilfish Member Posts: 354
    edited July 2010
    I have got slightly more in my sky account now, I got a £3 email "mystery bonus" earlier this morning and I was thinking about making this the £3 to Vegas challenge so instead of withdrawing 58p, I went onto skyvegas low stakes roulette, 58p on red - WON, £1.16 on red again - WON! I now have £5.32 in my account.

    It counts.

    I then decided to keep it as my 58p to Vegas challenge as it sounds better.

    We're up to £5.32!!

    I've registered to the 12.00 £100 Freeroll.

  • luvBWFCluvBWFC Member Posts: 763
    edited July 2010
    Good luck! hope your ROI ends up with a ridiculous amount of 0000's at the end.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2010

    hmmmm is this one of those cases where if people write you off, it makes you more determined to prove them wrong???

    If so, I'll give you some fuel for ur fire! I think u have no chance!!!

    ......Why not deposit £100 and give yourself half a chance?

    Its no slur on ur game btw as I know ur a good player, the task u've set urself tho is pretty much impossible!

    GL !!!
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited July 2010
    Just stick ure fiver on a number of your choice on the roullette wheel and at odds of only 35/1 you will have £180.Defo more chance of this than youre own rather optimistic target.Gl with it though dav
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited July 2010
    Very optimistic but best of luck to you, would be a remarkable story but unfortunately cant see it happenning

    keep us updated and prove me wrong!

    Good luck
  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited July 2010
    Good Luck Kev. Yogi must stay ;0)
  • KevilfishKevilfish Member Posts: 354
    edited July 2010
    Thank you for the support!

    A few replies;

    luvBWFC: 310,345% ROI :)

    DOHHHHHHH: My plan is to try and turn 58p into about £50 in a month which will then enable me to play £1/£2 mtt's.

    dav1964: It will be a lot more fun this way and I enjoy a challenge.

    YOUNG_GUN: If I can get up to about £50 within a month, I only need to average about £45 profit per week for the next 40 or so weeks. There may be weeks that I might lose money but then there will be weeks I make £200 maybe £300 to even it out.

    emilyegg: P4 L2 D2 WZERO (long may it continue) :)

    PS I lost the Freeroll.
  • KevilfishKevilfish Member Posts: 354
    edited July 2010
    My next possible game isn't until 2:20 or 3:20, I might play one of these...
  • bobcat52bobcat52 Member Posts: 568
    edited July 2010
    Lol Kev....good luck in your quest!
  • KevilfishKevilfish Member Posts: 354
    edited July 2010
    I've entered into the 14:20 £20 gtd, £1.10 entry fee, bankroll sitting at £4.22.

  • KevilfishKevilfish Member Posts: 354
    edited July 2010
    I'm entering the 15:20 £20 gtd, another £1.10 buy-in.

    In the 14:20 game, I finished 6th, 3 paid. I was up there for a while but a couple of 3K+ pots moving in the opposite direction didn't help.

    £3.12 in the br.
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited July 2010
    Wicked plan!!

    I get flights to Vegas loads cheaper than £600! My latest quote for Vegas in May next year is £1200 with accom in the Mirage for a week for 2 people.

    Also consider not going direct, should get a flight for £250/300 that way!

    Good luck in the challenge

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited July 2010
    Good luck, I reckon it can be done if these three things apply;

    1. Your game is good enough
    2. You have enough time to grind away for 100s of hours.
    3. You stick to a strict BRM plan (unless you get to the last week and you know you're not going to cross the line without gambling).

    If you're starting with freerolls you should have made it more fun by starting from zero. I don't know why you're not playing bounty hunters, the £2.00 + 30p and £5.00 + 75p BHs are the softest tournaments on the site IMO.
  • KevilfishKevilfish Member Posts: 354
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: 58p to VEGAS:
    Wicked plan!! I get flights to Vegas loads cheaper than £600! My latest quote for Vegas in May next year is £1200 with accom in the Mirage for a week for 2 people. Also consider not going direct, should get a flight for £250/300 that way! Good luck in the challenge Dave
    Posted by SolarCarro


    I was having a look at flights to LV this morning and I did see a couple for around £250 but the rest were all around the £600 mark. I decided to use this as my target just to be on the safe side, I didn't want to be aiming too short of what I actually needed.

    If I can get the cheaper flights I will obviously take them, even if it does mean a couple of changes. More poker money!!!

    I was in Vegas 4 years ago, we went Edinburgh > Heathrow > San Francisco > Las Vegas. A bit of a trek but definitely worth it. I was too young to do anything but it's an amazing place.

  • CLIOKIDCLIOKID Member Posts: 783
    edited July 2010
    Go on Statto...

  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited July 2010
    lol i actually think this is possible in a year. What about spending money and expenses though?
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited July 2010
    Good luck Kev
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited July 2010
    Wishing you all the best Kev

    Look forward to the updates of your progress

    Hope you do it!


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2010
    Good luck mate.

    When i re-load again i may join you in your quest but from a higher starting figure, but ill adjust to say the Main Event Buy in of $10000. Ill be too young to play buy targets can be achieveable.
  • cookie83cookie83 Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2010

    Best of luck mate, I don't think I coudl do this. I wouldn't have the patience (or time) to grind my way up from that low.....
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