PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBOMBDOGSmall blind £0.50£0.50£283.79DrMarblesBig blind £1.00£1.50£116.96 Your hole cardsAA BooniconFold CLIOKIDRaise £4.00£5.50£124.58my445Fold 3581118313Fold BOMBDOGCall £3.50£9.00£280.29DrMarblesCall £3.00£12.00£113.96Flop Q106 BOMBDOGCheck DrMarblesBet £9.00£21.00£104.96
Can't seem to paste these across properly anymore but all players are just over 100BB deep.
i raise the flop looking to get it in against DrMarbles, if BOMBDOG overshoves then drmarbles calls id fold.
Think the AI against this villain is pretty bad.