Hi guys,
a number of you may remember i asked for advice a few weeks ago about switching leagues. Well today is the day, i phoned up the new league on friday and told him im willing to switch.
So meeting today to get the basics sorted and hopfully get my first pub on the go. The first of many i plan, ive actually got a whole list of 30 pubs in the area i rekon i could take, although thats a 12 month plan.
Just wanted to share the news.
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Let me know how u get on
Which League Don, and what area of the country are you in ?
i got it
Also for Pomfritties. I do not wish to discuss this at the present time. Although ive looked at all the leagues avalible in my local area and im now with the biggest one.
The nuts poker league
Yea Dohhhh got it correct although i think the way i worded it correct, Thanks pomfrittes, ive been a TD for nearly a year now but this my first time needing to get the venues, im in the South of Scotland but i know a few landlords and people that know other ones so i shouldnt be too bad. First 10 going to be the hard part.
Best of luck anyway mate!
This is really why i didnt want to go too much into detail, although ive looked up at the set up compared to other leagues and its by far the strongest.
Jock i very much doupt ill ever cover that far up i imagine that will be covered with the further north guys. However im sure there will be a league already exsisting set up close to you. Check the website i dont know much about around there.
Good luck to you Don but just be aware that YOU will be running illegal poker tournaments as by law you are not allowed to charge players tp play poker n public houses . And as far as i am aware the nuts charge players an average o f 3 quid to play. This is the reason he did not get a penny off the Dragons Den as they would not back a venture that so obviously flouts the gaming laws.
This is not sour grapes on my part as i have no axe to grind with the Nuts but there are atleast 3 pubpoker leagues out thre that beat the nuts into the proverbial cocked hat. I know of nuts leagues in the North West that pay ot ZILCH at Regiona finals because there is no money left in the potafer all the people on the varous rungs of the ladder have had their cut and what happens then is that the players get peed off and stop plaing and the poker night folds.
If you look at other leagues you will see that thay pay out roughly a grand at each Regional final and all bar 1 have no charge to play in those regionals. I played in one recently in Liverpol and they paid out 650 in total with the winner taking 300 and the cost to the players was ZERO.
You can PMme if you want any furter info.
Regional payout for Nuts Poker league Regional on Saturday - £2570 (not surte how this was broken down)
JSV as below
1st £250
2nd £100
3rd - 8th £20
Everyone else 0.
Nuts - £6840
On the subject of dragons den, he did get the money, but he never got the fee processed. It is considered as Illeagal by many, however there is a Grey area in the law that they use. Leagally im not 100% sure on anything as i was never that clever