I'll post this on here as I posted it in Community Suggestions yonks ago but the idea was never taken up. I think posting it here it has more chance of being noticed by someone who would do something with the idea.
The problem:
Tables closing at the end of a tournament.
Why is it a problem:
Because most people likes to chat about the game once it finishes. They may have been playing together for an hour or more and having the table close after a few seconds stops the player interaction dead.
What happens now:
The game ends, the table closes, players can't arrange another game so logoff and do something else.
Why should Sky Poker care:
Because in most cases players would like to play another game together. Giving them maybe 2 or 3 minutes after the final had has been played out they can discuss what they are doing next. Are they playing another SNG? DYM? Cash? MTT? If they had time to discuss this then I'm sure many many players would play more games and stay on longer.
What similar change was made:
Changing the railed table timeout was increased to 100 minutes. This helped people rail friends, reduced bandwidth usage for Sky (I'm 99% sure of this), and increased the community spirit of the site.
What's in it for Sky Poker:
More players, playing longer, more revenue.
How hard would this change be to implement:
How much testing does increasing the timeout/closedown value for a completed final table need? Any? Probably not.
What's in it for me:
Nothing, I'm just bored since a tournament closed and we didn't get to discuss the next game so everyone logged off. ;-)
Good Night.
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Also, dunno about others, but in big tournys/tables, for eg the TP sit and go's.....I turned chat off completely throughout the game.
In the one I lost, I turned it on when I was eliminated, clicked scroll lock, and caught up with the whole chatbox whilst watching the end of the game.
In the one I won, I did the same, but had like a minute to read 2 hours worth of chatbox conversation. Also imposs to thank railers etc.
Sort it out sky!
'Excuse of the week' ............ excellent.
Plus twenteenth!!!
BTW can we also have a tag function so when railing a player who moves tables the tag will automitically follow them??? Just a thought...
Thank you Aaron. I will send the Thread upstairs.
FWIW, I've been playing Online Poker since it was invented, & although I rarely venture outside Sky Poker these days, as far as I can recall, all Rooms upon which I have played (& that includes all the majors & all the networks) do (or used to) the same thing - close the Table within 5 or 10 seconds of the Tourney ending.
I've always disliked that fact, but it has always seemed to me that because all, or at least most, do it, there must be a good technical reason. It does irritate me slightly, but so does naff music in public places, Davina McCall, itinerant footballers, & bad manners.
Anyway, I'll pass the thread on, & maybe they will comment appropriately.
I wish to correct my previous Post.
I suggested that Davina McCall "irritates" me. This was unfair, uncalled for, & regrettable.
I wish to make it clear that she does not irritate me, & I unreservedly apologise.
In fact, she tilts me so hard that she absolutely does my head in, and she ANNOYS me.
Good point Machka and nicely put. I was in a HU with Mylena the other day for nearly as long as the tourny and just had enough time to say my ty and gg. So if you read this Mylena, thank you for the game i really enjoyed it.
An extra 60 seconds wouldn't go amiss
Im going to go back to a tournament a long while ago. I won it. Anyways the guy i had in the heads up was on my first table, he watched me going on to seperate rushes. He refused to get involved with me both times and watched me wipe out a vast amount of the field.
After the first rush ended i got moved table and ust grinded my way down without playing too many hands. Then with 3 tables remianing he re-joined me and i started to get good hands again, while having some banter in the chatbox with 3 folke i quickly went on another rush while another player mopped up on the other tables and quickly it was final table. With A10 and a Q on the river (K and J already out) i clashed with the other big stacks set of queens taking him out, i had 80% of the chips, and in the space of a blind level id cleared up final table bar this one opponent.
Heads up starts and he congradulates me for playing well, i respond with well played to get out the way when i was pinging everyone out and refusing to get invovled despite being rather short stacked. Despite the stack differances of 5000 - 156000 the heads up lasted half an hour of good play from both players, i was refusing to hand to many chips out and he was only playing big hands as because of the rushes the blinds wherent that high. Although he doubled up twice early to be at 20000.
I felt this was an opponent who played fantastic poker and would liked to have arranged a S&G heads up where we started even would have been a good match up but because the tables closed off i couldnt offer it.
I do venture outside Sky Poker from time to time and agree that all sites seem to operate this auto-close on completion rule. The big difference is that Sky Poker is so different, there is a community, players know each other and talk to each other and actually care to take the time to find each other and arrange games together.
On other sites I just want the other players money, they can keep their first names to themselves, lol.
Davina, surely you loved her on Streetmate? ;-)