THE TIME - 8pm, sat 31st July
THE PLACE - MasterCash, The GRIND
THE SALE - There is ONLY ONE Hitman Harvey DONKFEST!
Join in, be fun
10% of any winnings to Charity, [am always over-ambitious],
CAN YOU promise the same? It Feels great, [ask Mohican]
Sky Poker, in their Infinite [lol] Wisdom, have asked me into their studio to do 'The Grind', the Krazy fools!!
I shall be representing Fulham FC in this challenge, will we stay up? will we go down? who knows?
But as my generation used to sing on the terraces:-
"Come and have a Go if you fink ur Hard enuf"!!! LOL
Can't wear mi FULHAM top, logo issues, and wont dress up like Jonny Pantsil as i did for the Final, was fully 'blacked' up lol!!
BUT stick ya footie tops on, log in & crack on!! If ya take mi money, will you do 10% as well??
ps, NO Everton away tops please, as officials are worried over colour clash issues!!
GOOD LUCK ALL, Let's get it on!!
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Great stuff 10% to charity top man i hope you run good !!!!
I hope more people take you up on this offer
I for one shall be there to rail you all the way
ps thanks all!! gonna get some cash practice in tonight, need it lol, so LOOK OUT WORLD!!
See his "10% to charity thread" explains all.
That'l teach me to get drunk & talk to strangers lol!!
Gr8 stuff Dave will be playing tomorrow, been wrecked from the night before for the last few saturdays, so been off mastercash.
What levels r u planning on playing?
See u alot on 50/100nl, go with 50!!!
Enjoy it.
Nice one RV great gesture mate!!
if i'm not out on the wrongbows will be railing ya and trying
to join ya table and will also do the 10 percent charity bit with ya!!
Good luck mate
pretty new to cash really JJ, so u couldna seen me to much , if so, just tryin it out!
Been gettin lotsa help tho, scotty77 been helpin me with bet-sizin & tilt control, lol
Will prob do a bit of 25/50nl, maybe higher if i run good, also do a bit lower as well, cause i got loads of new 'friends' who want to play me, so i must be getin real good now! Hitmum 's given me some extra pocket money, so i should be able to cover everyone's bit of action!! lol
Good luck, see you in The Arena
Show no Mercy
The Hitman
Nice one Hitman, have fun and good luck!
Please wear the pink suit!
Come on don't let us down
If it was to be seen on your primitive 'TV', it would have dire consequeces for your Earth females.
It could be like a nuclear BOOOMB, going off in your front rooms and Human Female hearts!
Only Earth man Maxally understands the Power!
Beware the Moon, and stick to the Path!!!
Good luck on the show matey.....keep off them Omaha tables
Thanks for the good wishes All!!
Keep the Peter Sellers gags coming!!
"Finally, in conclusion, let me say just this."
Today, Shall be a PINK Day!!!!