Well done Nutter, I'm absolutely delighted for you. Well done to Sky Adam, too, who I wrote to yesterday & who made the change &, I assume, instigated the yellow banner.
Not to teach you to suck eggs, but until players get in the habit of playing this, you'll need to keep puffing it up for a while.
And who knows? If you can get this level of runners for a single Deepie, maybe they will put more back into the schedule, though they have to be careful not to dilute the effectiveness by offering too many.
Remember, they were only removed from the schedule due to lack of runners & interest. It's wholly in Sky Poker's best interest to offer up Tourneys, any Tourneys, which players show by demand that they want.
I hope it was a good solid bad beat don. Posted by Dudeskin8
Wasnt a bad beat, i only had top pair, guy had a flush draw missed it and hit a back door straight draw to disguse it, the bet stunk of missed flush which it was apart from the straight. Nothing to write home about, ive requested advice in the clinic on the hand i know played it poorly
diablo_pez 79314.68 xzanda 40164.25 fitzer14 37281.65 striker24 25141.06 oynutter 24544 thorpey1 24158.46 stevebob05 17665.90 grendel 11730 8 left all have cashed, now 2 find the champ Posted by Ozzie08
well done final 8 and i want xzanda to win as he or she knocked me out with pocket qs i had pocket js nh xzanda
diablo_pez 79114.68 fitzer14 72640.11 xzanda 43364.25 stevebob05 39536.96 oynutter 25344 grendel 0 6 £7.28 + 4 League Points striker24 0 7 £6.24 + 3 League Points thorpey1 0 8 £5.20 + 2 Final 5 and the nut is still in, big thnx 2 nutt for getting this tourny sorted Posted by Ozzie08
diablo_pez 161554.79 xzanda 44164.25 stevebob05 34136.96 oynutter 20144 fitzer14 0 5 £8.32 + 6 League Points grendel 0 6 £7.28 + 4 League Points striker24 0 7 £6.24 + 3 League Points thorpey1 0 8 £5.20 Another soldier down AK v QQ all in pre Pez big chip leader Wp fitzer gg sir Posted by Ozzie08
I hope it was a good solid bad beat don.
52 runners - amazing stuff!
Well done Nutter, I'm absolutely delighted for you. Well done to Sky Adam, too, who I wrote to yesterday & who made the change &, I assume, instigated the yellow banner.
Not to teach you to suck eggs, but until players get in the habit of playing this, you'll need to keep puffing it up for a while.
And who knows? If you can get this level of runners for a single Deepie, maybe they will put more back into the schedule, though they have to be careful not to dilute the effectiveness by offering too many.
Remember, they were only removed from the schedule due to lack of runners & interest. It's wholly in Sky Poker's best interest to offer up Tourneys, any Tourneys, which players show by demand that they want.
Anyway, well done you.
8 left all have cashed, now 2 find the champ
Wp fitzer gg sir
the fitz
Congrats floppa, UL Pez!
OyNutter wins it - amazing stuff!
Well done to Diablo Pez, too, the cards went cold for him Heads Up.
Delighted for everyone who supported this.
Same time, same place, tomorrow, eh?