Righto.. So Orford is trying to Qualify for SPT is he now?! Ok Ok I see where this is going.. He is trying to USURP me!!! Well I won't have it I tell you!! I won't have it AT ALL!!!!
That's it then.. I am going to qualify for the 8K guaranteed Double stack.
Max 50players and a MAHOOSIVE prize pool for ME!!!
er.. I mean THE WINNER!!
So get yourself in, get yourself involved!! You can buy in direct for a Bank rollingly gargantuan £220 (EEEEK!!) or qualify for as little as £2.20 (YEY!!).
Once WE have qualified, satellited and ensured OUR place in televised Double stack HISTORY we WILL TAKE THE ORFORDIAN SPT.... and THEN THE WORLD!!!!!
Who's with me???????
No Blue Jumper wearing, car forgetting, taxi taking ORFORDs allowed 
i will try LML but will try via the satellites or through the league stars.
won't be paying the £220 buy-in as that equates to over three parking tickets normally or over seven parking tickets if you take advantage of their half price offer if settled within 14 days
Good luck, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT.
If luckbox smuckbox can win it we've all got a chance
Mixing so much with Tikay is obviously having an effect on your verbal communications. That's gone right over my head.
<<<<<< mortally wounded (You can argue with luckbox ..... I can't argue with old)
According to the world of Lisa-Marie, Mr Majeika12uk is regarded as luckbox however as Miss Longyplop still has it in for me just because she lost TKOII and i joined A WINNING TEAM, i will always be regarded as Luckbox Schmuckbox!
Sorry Lisa but I've had to pull out of the sat. Somethings cropped up and I won't get back until later this evening.
Hope you get enough players to make a place for the semi.