Here at Sky, we do not like abuse at the tables, as suggested, please contact Customer Care to report this matter, the naming of players is not allowed on the forum.
Thanks for your understanding
Sky Mod
Dear 'Community'
The purpose of this discussion is to see what the general opinion is on some of the site's members.
I have noticed a recent decline in the standard of manners and 'etiquette' during MT Tournaments to the extent where there appears to be an awful lot of abuse in the chat boxes. This started simply as nasty comments after a beat but seems to have declined into some horrible behaviour, bordering on the bullying of some players.
I have witnessed players 'ganging-up' on other players, criticising both their play and the integrity of the site. A lot of players fire abuse when they are not even sat on the table, but merely 'spectating' tables.
I have also experienced this, to the point that one player told me he was going to 'hunt me down and murder my mother' for outdrawing him.
Is anyone else experiencing this? And does anyone have any suggestions as to what we do about it??
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The best way to handle this is note the player or players name and a hand id from the chat box and either email customer services or go into "live chat" to report it.
id say there will be more people playing those who dont respect other players.
like others have said if someone gets real abusive contact customer care and let them sort it out........
Ignore it or report it are these your only options? Personally, I only chat to people I know, however if I see someone bulleying someone else at my table I chat with the person that is being bullied and just say lol to the other persons comments.
This sort of behavior should not be tollerated, however this is easier said than done, because it effects your game on the night and reporting it will only resolve it at a later date.
My Suggestion: Find an alliance with other players on the table, chat to others, you will find plenty of support against your cyper bullie, and this usually takes them over the edge and before you know it they are gone from your table and the tourny.
Customer services are here to help, however, this is only effective once you have reported it. (Not On The Night)
On the night, if you feel you are being bullied talk to other players instead, they will also realise what is happening and support you in most cases and Mr. Cyber Bullie will not be so blatent with his comments.
I am personnaly not effected by cyber bullie comments and can give as good as I get, but only in a very nice way of course, which is really effective. (LOL, TY, YW, GL, PPfft, UL, and - soz If I realised u had nothing I wouldn't of callled) seem to work fine for me Lol.
Any way - Next time you are being cyber bullied talk to Me or the other players on your table. IT WORKS.
Don't Let Cyber Bullies effect your game or your enjoyment. TALK to FRANK or Pokertrev Lol.
Do you even own a latex suit and handcuffs? or do you hire it at the weekend? (Lol. Pfft. YW, TFFT)
I Love you Miyagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Most of these players think they are better players than they are. But the other week one of the better players on the site told me I didnt know what I was doing and I was a Donkey and going out soon. Again I said Ty and made a couple of plays that I knew would get under their skin!
In short I try to use their unstable attitudes against them! I must admit I have never had anyone say they were coming to look for me but if I do I will tell them I will put the kettle on.
if you feel it is abuse report it... every time too. i think that it is important that we all report abuse. this way the culture on skypoker will not transform into an unhealthy one shaped by the very few. reporting it will start a sequence requiring them to learn to modify their behaviour. they will learn or ultimately they won't be around.
As stated above, it is really important that abuse is reported to Customer Care so they can take the correct action.
many thanks
Sky Mod
Hope it doesn't keep happenning, if you were on my table i'd stick up for you dont you worry
What they all said.
Only us, the players, can help stop this sort of thing. If you find it offensive (& why would you not?), report it to Customer Care EVERY TIME.
And if it is any consolation, please remember that chat box abuse only ever comes from two sources.
1) Those who lost a hand of poker. And if losing a hand of poker upsets them that much, we can surmise that.....
2) They are "not terribly bright". Like, not at all bright.
i see you have removed my interesting chat box post from last night.
i can see why due to the nature of what that guy was saying to me!!!
if you could pass it on the the relevent department i would appriciate it.