Evenin' all,
You're looking lovely.
Looking forward to tonight's show, we've got LOADS in store tonight, shedloads of hands from our featured tournament Primo with a little bit of cash and strategy thrown in for good measure...
So me and the girls skyling and skymandy were just talking about good grinding soundtracks (in a poker sense, wash your minds out) you're in it for the longhaul you've got your ipod on full, which are the songs and or soundtracks that will keep you going? 'Eye of the Tiger' maybe as you pull a Rocky style montage? or how about 'You're the best ' from the original Karate Kid! 'You're the best around! nothings gonna ever keep you down' Love to hear from you we're live til midnight (and I'll probably have that karate kid song in my head for the duration now...)
Sarah xx
0 ·
Welcome to Value Town
Soundtrack's Jay Z for me every time. "A Star is Born" if you want a specific track. Any sort of aggressive rap does it for me although for some strange reason Eminem, whose music I love, always, ALWAYS brings me bad luck.
hi sarah and ed
my poker dream is to be on a table in vegas with phill hellmuth
with the green day anthem amercian idiot playing
would make me laugh
see you all in nothingham
at the moment the songs that get me going in a positive direction are Papillon by the Editors and Invisible Light from the Scissisor Sisters' new album. both great tracks!! Whitney Houston always brings me bad luck, don't know why just does!
best wishes for the show.
Hand History #278658417 (20:03 08/08/2010)
got in a muddle should have raised the flopQuad aces for me...first time in skypoker too! :-)
I think I should have played the hand stronger from the begining, and when he checked, bet on the river, but hindsight sigh
(warning contains brutal outdraw)
my song would be staying alive because i am always short stacked. Cant be in primo tonite on holiday in ternerife just came into an internet cafe to play league stars hoping its over by 10 cafe closes tina