ones to watch round 1 dudeskin8 v mysharky maxally v mp33 rake007 v jockbmw dav1964 v mickyblue thedon90 v derk2827 pokertrev v hotwheels red king v machka banandog v ness4 imber v loonytoons kitkat593 v kianalex dtwbandit v mmmchips hawk7112 v madmoo craftycarp v pomfrittes roseyellow v brrrrrr shanxta v dohhhhhh ficino v elsadog cj111 v bornablade greghogg v emilyegg huflungpu v kirsti stackmeup1 v ads2kuk dazler v sara36dd08 candi v 35suited mintsam v omahonyo young gun v st4r lynx3ffect v thesaint07 filipsebo v odmcgraw shaun09 v aca stackemup v bigflop1 ibluff v pod1 solack v tommyD top match this ! irishrover v monaghan01 bigbiker22 v chumps Posted by IRISHROVER
ok i didnt know i was in this...dohhhhhh im gonna kick your posterior!!!! I have no idea what this is, when we are playing, what games or why!!!!! ...better go back to post one and figure it out!
In Response to Re: the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay : ok i didnt know i was in this...dohhhhhh im gonna kick your posterior!!!! I have no idea what this is, when we are playing, what games or why!!!!! ...better go back to post one and figure it out! Posted by BananaDog
sorry banana dohhhhh was bang out of order and needs to grow up i will not take his word on anything anymore sry again and gl
In Response to Re: the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay : When do You fancy playing this POKERTREV. Posted by Hotwheals
I am just about to pop out to a birthday party but Tomorrow I will be in from 3.45pm and will be on from then all througout the evening if thats ok?
Let me know a time that suits. or another day if you can't do tomorrow.
In Response to Re: the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay : sorry banana dohhhhh was bang out of order and needs to grow up i will not take his word on anything anymore sry again and gl Posted by lucky77777
lol its no problem, he did mention something about it...he said he'd put me in it and then had said "hahaha only kidding!" to which I had replied "oh i dont care, sounds fun!" Then this morning I was in! lol I'm actually looking forward to it ) MAY THE BEST BANANA WIN! lololol
In Response to Re: the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay : ok don but give it a little longer i do have some1 on standby leave it with me ill be in touch Posted by lucky77777
whats the structure for this lucy is it 100xbb? I missed the last one u did.....but played the Irish mans first one... think it was 100? I had to lie to make u get on with doing the draw. sorry Posted by DOHHHHHHH
what about the other player u mentioned is he fake i need to know otherwise makes my job even harder if i dont know whats going on and any tpurney i do i will draw it when im ready
lucky is there a set time we have to play at or how does it work . thanks m8 Posted by kianalex
not really a set time but once draws are done its common sense for the players to play there game asap so as long as u post and pm the player u cant go wrong if u play your game on freeplay its 70 big blinds thats it really enjoy and gl
...better go back to post one and figure it out!
Let me know a time that suits. or another day if you can't do tomorrow.
In Response to Re: the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay: lol its no problem, he did mention something about it...he said he'd put me in it and then had said "hahaha only kidding!" to which I had replied "oh i dont care, sounds fun!"
Then this morning I was in! lol
I'm actually looking forward to it
Also Lucky how long have we got to complete the matches ?