In Response to the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay, LYNX3FFECT AND CRAFTYCARP:
hi all just one more well done to tommyD the champion of the last right as rich has donated the prize ive decided to name it after him a big thx to rich, applause plz every1 as there is a prize can i plz have registrations that can play there games ty well u know the rules u win your through as im going to make this a regular tourney i dont know about the prize always thou each tourney played the champion gets awarded 15pts and 5pts to the runner up and yes pts means its a league gl to everyone starting chips is 70 big blinds hold-em nl just to confirm u can play the heads up on freeplay tables or both the players must agree if they want to play it on a 30p sng table registration open for two weeks my target for this is 64 but can be more entrants so far young gun ads2kuk hawk7112 mintsam shaun09 irishrover jockbmw pod1 ibluff mysharky madmoo stackemup tommyD greghogg huflungpu ness4 dtwbandit bigflop1 emilyegg bigbiker22 35suited st4r machka filipsebo maxally rake007 ficino thesaint07 sara36dd08 mickyblue dav1964 aca solack candi bornablade pomfrittes loonytoons craftycarp thedon90 oDmcgraw dudeskin8 chumps kitkat593 mmmchips hotwheels monaghan01 imber lynx3ffect banandog brrrrrrr shanxta omahonyo pokertrev roseyellow cj111 stackmeup1 kirstii red king mp33 elsadog dohhhhhhh dazler kianalex derk2827 round 1 all rnd 1 matches to b plyd by last of 2nd rnd dudeskin8 v mysharky mysharky 1 maxally v mp33 mp33 2 rake007 v jockbmw jockbmw 3 dav1964 v mickyblue mickyblue 4 thedon90 v efgloser thedon90 5 pokertrev v hotwheals hotwheals 6 red king v machka red king 7 banandog v ness4 ness4 8 imber v loonytoons loonytoons 9 kitkat593 v kianalex kitkat593 10 dtwbandit v mmmchips mmmchips 11 hawk7112 v madmoo madmoo 12 craftycarp v pomfrittes craftycarp 13 roseyellow v brrrrrr brrrrrr 14 shanxta v dohhhhhh shanxta 15 ficino v elsadog elsadog 16 cj111 v bornablade cj111 17 greghogg v emilyegg greghogg 18 huflungpu v kirsti kirsti 19 stackmeup1 v ads2kuk stackmeup1 20 dazler v sara36dd08 dazler 21 candi v 35suited 35suited 22 35suited withdrew mintsam v omahonyo omanhonyo 23 young gun v st4r young gun 24 lynx3ffect v thesaint07 lynx3ffect 25 filipsebo v odmcgraw odmcgraw 26 filipsebo withdrew shaun09 v aca shaun09 27 stackemup v bigflop1 stackemup 28 ibluff v pod1 ibluff 29 solack v tommyD solack 30 irishrover v monaghan01 irishrover 31 bigbiker22 v chumps bigbiker22 32 round 2 28
Dr_who and Kevin, you will have to wait for the next forum comp of this nature. This one is in the latter stages (semi finals) so should be completed as soon as lynxeffect and craftycarp turn up...
lynx3ffect v craftycarp come in please Posted by lucky77777
Hi Lucky i have sent approx 2 pm's and asked a few times now. every time i'm on which i most nights there's no sign. let me know when your free and i will make time. apart from tonight as im' out for the footy thisafternoon and will be in no fit state to play poker tonight.

its was a lucky game lol young gun it was the best heads up game ive played yet ul m8
lucky who you calling a lunchbox lol when is the next round then lucky
my boyfriend keeps leaving his account logged in and last night i commented on here logged in as him sorry all lol
Our times are not matching up - he,s free when i,m not - I,m free when he,s not etc
i,ll pm him back now - (he,s working from 7pm) and put hours on here
I,m free tommorow (Tuesday from 6.30pm) maybe 6pm
Wednesday I am free all day
hopefully we,ll get it played by then
He was free on Saturday but I was in Blackpool. He was free today up until 7pm but i,m the opposite - free after 6.30pm
If nothing has happened by wednesday i,ll let you know lucky by posting on here
Good game m8 and c u on the tables again soon
Ps - I,ve sent u a PM stackmeup for nxt game
i,m on now for next few hours so will keep checking