Are we getting seeds? if so TommyD no1 standard lol Posted by YOUNG_GUN
what seed would u like bird? or fish? but yes as tourneis get played out i will be sorting from then so yes tommy is number 1 but this is the first tourney of this league so gl every1 and i mean every1
R u gonna do the draw live on a freeplay table lucy? Type the names in chat as u pull them out Add abit of drama and extra interest yeh? what time? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
thats is a good idea but cant be done by me as im table chat banned at mo
lol @ jj lucy, i mean lucky i was only joking mate would be far too much hassle how much runners you have so far, i am getting excited already Posted by YOUNG_GUN
A list of the runners is on the first thread in this post
In Response to Re: the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay : thats is a good idea but cant be done by me as im table chat banned at mo Posted by lucky77777
Now theres a shock........LOL Lucy. How do you work out the draw if there are 57 runners*
* 25 x HU Games = 25 winners + 7 Byes =32 runners in round 2 (but dont let anyone know I told you)
lol @ jj lucy, i mean lucky i was only joking mate would be far too much hassle how much runners you have so far, i am getting excited already Posted by YOUNG_GUN
You run the domino handicap down the local for the 6 free pints too EE? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Nah JJ, got banned from the Doms and Darts, then we ran out of Snooker Balls and Snooker Cues and Chairs, so I am in charge of the "Bare Knuckle Combat" section, which I am really enjoying, but the miserable c**** at the WMC only give me a dozen bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale every week for running it and keeping the peace. ;0)
by doing a re-draw of players who lost like in my last heads up tourney Posted by lucky77777
The 7 byes, then 32 left and keep halfing it system is a proven winner on the worldwide always end up with 2 in the final and nobody gets knocked out more than once.
In Response to Re: the sky_rich heads up tourney,the prize up for grabs is a seat into take on tikay : The 7 byes, then 32 left and keep halfing it system is a proven winner on the worldwide always end up with 2 in the final and nobody gets knocked out more than once. Posted by emilyegg
i agree with this,
I think that people like Tommyd who done well the last time would also add an extra insentive to get into the next round. To get one of those bigger guns
No worries Lucy. It is your gig, but I only offered my help with the numbers as I had feared you may have underestimated the complexity of the operation when the total amount of entrants was an odd number.
57 divided by 2 is a headscratcher for some you know...............
No worries Lucy. It is your gig, but I only offered my help with the numbers as I had feared you may have underestimated the complexity of the operation when the total amount of entrants was an odd number. 57 divided by 2 is a headscratcher for some you know............... Posted by emilyegg
i had no troubles in my last heads up so stop putting me down i am telling u now stop it
Type the names in chat as u pull them out
Add abit of drama and extra interest
yeh? what time?
lucy, i mean lucky i was only joking mate would be far too much hassle
how much runners you have so far, i am getting excited already
What r u chat banned for? not ur temper ???
* 25 x HU Games = 25 winners
+ 7 Byes
=32 runners in round 2 (but dont let anyone know I told you)
You run the domino handicap down the local for the 6 free pints too EE?
Looooool its funny seeing 3/4 of them counting the enteries half cut trying to figure out how many byes there has to be.
Monday afternoon in the club is madness, highlight of their week!
I dnt mind taking a bye Lucy, not that bothered about playing the first round anyway give someone else a game.
I think that people like Tommyd who done well the last time would also add an extra insentive to get into the next round. To get one of those bigger guns
57 divided by 2 is a headscratcher for some you know...............
AND you probably spend a day chasing up players to play again?