We'd still have 6 extra outs for the split though.
I think I should fold here against this opponent because as you say the worst he shows up with is 33, but in the heat of the moment with oesd + 2nd nfd I'd probably call. But I think for us to have the correct odds we really need dunn to overcall behind so it depends how you think he'd play his draws?
We need about 41.7% equity I think and this is what we got 2 way:
Hove: 55 60%
Donn: 48 10%
You: K4h 30%
If I only had a flush draw, and it was only the king high fd, Id instantly fold......
So if he has the nuts, id fold for sure.
Wud u call here yb?
I think I should fold here against this opponent because as you say the worst he shows up with is 33, but in the heat of the moment with oesd + 2nd nfd I'd probably call. But I think for us to have the correct odds we really need dunn to overcall behind so it depends how you think he'd play his draws?
We need about 41.7% equity I think and this is what we got 2 way:
Hand 0: 40.488% 37.61% 02.88% 5585 427.50 { Kh4h }
Hand 1: 59.512% 56.63% 02.88% 8410 427.50 { 66-55, 33, 74s, 42s }
But in reality we probably have a bit less equity than this as dunn could have 2 of our outs if he's on the fd also.