Yes...! A great tourn which will attract a higher standard of poker and allows for new players to learn the game in a proper fashion...! Great idea...!
I really like the idea of varying the buy in, as the cheaper £3 buy in would be more manageable for me. Hopefully all the regular deepstack players would support the cheaper version as it would be great to play with these guys for a manageable fee. Here's hoping its a starter...
- Be affordable but it must be same price everyday just for continuity (5.50 or 11 is fine for me, I'd be more inclined to say 5.50 because it is affordable to a greater % of players and the 8.15pm players may also play it)
- Be up in the highlighted area of the MTT where people can see it
- Be called something along the lines of 'Community Deepstack' or continue by naming the ones on other days after popular community contributors/presenters
- Possibly needs a decent starting gurantee to attract players (£400?)
- 10 steater tables - much more fun
- Possibly have a league (Doesn't have to be run by Sky)
YES £5.50 would be okay, but I do like the idea of a £3.30 tournament as it's more in keeping with my bankroll! If a few of the regular players entered, that would be even better. As far as starting time goes, around 7.30 would be ideal, I think.
We are really cooking now. And SpongeDoug - yeah, if it were £3, I'd still happily playb it. Maybe rotate it nightly - Monday £5, Tuesday £3, Wednesday £10, Thursday £5, Friday £10, da de da. If I can get a more more "ayes", I'll send this to Sky Bernie tonight - he da man. Posted by Tikay10
Agree good idea if can be sub £5 buy in as the lower price tourneys are becoming scarce, maybe replace the russian roulette with low buy in deepies ......
i like the idea of a regular deepie at the same time every day . agree with previous posts ,there should be some for people with smaller bankrolls and for those who are learning how to play them. maybe 2 of these a week should have a buyin of and peace, pillow.
Yes please, preferably £5 ones and maybe ones starting later - I have never been able to play the deepstacks because of the usual £20-plus buy in and their early start times!
This week I've played two of the £22 deepstacks but this level of buy in does push my bankroll a little.
Long live the deep stacks, Ozzie
Like the idea of £5 or even a £3.30 deep stack.Prefer 8pm start because getting back from work in time.
£5 + £0.50 DAILY TOURNEY
Yes, please.
Slight preference for £10 but a mixture would be good.
Yes...! A great tourn which will attract a higher standard of poker and allows for new players to learn the game in a proper fashion...! Great idea...!
I think for this to work, it has to:
- Start at 7pm
- Be affordable but it must be same price everyday just for continuity (5.50 or 11 is fine for me, I'd be more inclined to say 5.50 because it is affordable to a greater % of players and the 8.15pm players may also play it)
- Be up in the highlighted area of the MTT where people can see it
- Be called something along the lines of 'Community Deepstack' or continue by naming the ones on other days after popular community contributors/presenters
- Possibly needs a decent starting gurantee to attract players (£400?)
- 10 steater tables - much more fun
- Possibly have a league (Doesn't have to be run by Sky)
10+1 is better for me but im easy
This would be awesome
Throw in some under £5 too to get a wider range of players interested in this format.
Has to be better than the faster blind structured televised tournies.
i have passed this on to our poker guys to look at.
all the best,