right ive now been playing cash for a few months after converting from dyms.
i had built up £120 from dyms which i cashed out all but £5.
I have built up a roll from £5 to over £100 from 2p/4p
ive got to know who the regs/better players are at this level so know who to avoid

question is do i now move up? or should i stick at this level making a small profit while learning the joys of cash??
also i could do with getting away from these hands lol
think im going to stick here as these beats would hurt more higher up lol!!
there is nothin wrong wiv open raising 5x UTG wiv KK
Look i apoligise for what i said i KNOW ure a gd player but what im saying is 5x at this level with many poss callers is NOT enough.Youve obviously got outta this level long ago.What i suggested to the OP was gettin away from this kevel ASAP
Ive played with you a few times and i know your better than the NL4 regs. As DoHHHH said your making a few mistakes, but i think thats maybe often frustation that your playing against less than average opponents. Keep that £120 in and get to NL8/10
so imo the amount i raised was fine and yes i want people calling everyday with my kk vs what he had........
i only tend to raise between 3 and 5bb so any more is going to scream of a massive pair......
the annoying thing with this guy was he left straight after this hand. he must of pressed stand before shoving.
i like playing people like this as its made my br grow nicely
think i will stay where i am and learn more before stepping up..........
ive got harrignton on holdem in my hands so im going to have a read through that..................