my title, how to spornybol (locks) your way in poker, if you do read this on air can you say, lucy 111 sporny can`t wait to play with you again, and i do mean poker ? hav a good show just managed to quilify for 2nd week running hopefully do better than lasts weeks 50th by winning it, lol
Aggressive Limping and Min-Raising with Authority - A much maligned skill.
"how not to play poker and what not to wear...innit"
"jack three or not jack three, that is the question..."
The Guinness Book of Bad Beats
Mine would be one of these.....
1) "You too can be a loser", by Davina.
2) "Work with Orford? I'd rather throw a sickie".
3) "My Poker Journey on the Isle of Wight Railway" by Rich Orford. (It's very short).
Alternatively, this one is less a novel, more a pamphlet really.....
"What I know about Poker" by Rich Orford.
The Da Vinci Code Part 3 - The Secret Programming within a Random Number Generator
"Play poker like Dylan", by A. Bankrupt.
tales from the river (spanked ! )
"I is a flipperwopple flippper-wupper" by OyNutter.
"Supernatural Trips" written by Stu Unger (2010)
How I play 72 and flop trips.
A few titles for Mr Kendall

"The Secret Diary of Tony Kendall Aged 133 3/4"
"The Old and The Rested"
I could go on. And I will. All throughout tonight!
" Poker for the purist " by R.E.BYE
" My collection of lunchboxes " by Phil Twelve, UK
" Its all about the maths " by M.donkey
" Orford will be WSOP champion one day " by R.U. Sure
" My top 10 favourite Big Brother moments " by T.Kendall
"Eating 9 to 3" by Dylan
How about 1 for you Grandad -
"The Pocket AA Man - Poker and Motorway Strategy", by Grandad Kendall