You will have heard the excellent news about the Sky Super Seven Deepies, nightly, 10 seater, affordable Deepies, at £3, £5, & £10.
But a few months ago, we all pulled together to try & get a nightly Deepie, for those with deeper pockets, & we won that battle, & the 7.15pm £20 + £2 Deepie was born.
It began mid-summer, so it struggled for a while, but although there are peaks & troughs, the moving average is definitely on the up, & last night - Thursday - there were 40 Runners, for an £800 Prize pool. I'm not sure, but that must be one of it's biggest fields yet.
I still stick by my prediction, that this will make 60, 70, even 80+ by mid-winter.
The Deepie Habit is growing, & it's amazing how differently these play, compared to the faster Tourneys.
I shared Tables in last night's 7.15pm Deepie with Nutter, Ivanovic, MASSIE, SOLACK, Uzi-Lover, Anjie, etc. Good structures attract good players, & all of us can learn from playing against these guys.
Hope to see a few of you in tonight's renewal.
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...and with 15 minutes still to go, tonight's is over 20 already.......