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Ethical chat!

waynecwaynec Member Posts: 1,023
edited August 2010 in Poker Chat
I have AA in SB player raises mid position, I 3bet then he 4bets me.

While letting time bank run down I say in chat box "OK lets race" and shove the lot. I get my call he has QQ and a nice pay out.

Another player said this is unethical as I was saying I had AK, I never mentioned any hand and was trying to get the other player to get all his chips in the middle.

Myself see nowt wrong in trying to talk any opponent into a fold/call with mis-information ect as long as I dont name any cards in my hand.


  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited August 2010
    its not really good etiquette really but well played as you persuaded him to get the chips in and live you would have more opportunity to do this

    Think the fact you have said that could be why they called, as it does sound like underpair or AK dont know how it would go down with most, i personally wouldn't mind if you did against me but think its not really good etiquette
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2010

    If it's a heads up pot, anything goes imo!

  • LadyFingrsLadyFingrs Member Posts: 613
    edited August 2010
    thats super ghey angle-shooting imo

    also, if any1 sez that to me im folding soooo often.
  • waynecwaynec Member Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    thats super ghey angle-shooting imo also, if any1 sez that to me im folding soooo often.
    Posted by LadyFingrs
    Mind you I had raised  this guys blinds a few time on the light side as he was very tight, so was sure he had a big hand and was making a stand.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Ethical chat!:
    I have AA in SB player raises mid position, I 3bet then he 4bets me. While letting time bank run down I say in chat box "OK lets race" and shove the lot. I get my call he has QQ and a nice pay out. Another player said this is unethical as I was saying I had AK, I never mentioned any hand and was trying to get the other player to get all his chips in the middle. Myself see nowt wrong in trying to talk any opponent into a fold/call with mis-information ect as long as I dont name any cards in my hand.
    Posted by waynecure
    Hi Wayne

    The problem is when you typed in the chatbox "ok lets race" indicates that you have AK, so the QQ will call because she/he thinks they are a 57% fave to win the hand, when actualy they are a 19% underdog, a race in poker means this:In NL Hold'em, when two players are all-in preflop, each having roughly a 50/50 chance of winning the pot. Usually a pocket pair against a hand like big slick, unfortunately it is poor Poker Etiquett.
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    In Response to Ethical chat! : Hi Wayne The problem is when you typed in the chatbox "ok lets race" indicates that you have AK, so the QQ will call because she/he thinks they are a 57% fave to win the hand, when actualy they are a 19% underdog, a race in poker means this:In NL Hold'em, when two players are all-in preflop , each having roughly a 50/50 chance of winning the pot. Usually a pocket pair against a hand like big slick , unfortunately it is poor Poker Etiquett.
    Posted by acebarry10
    "ok lets race" does not indicate that he has AK.
    He could equally be indicating that he has JJ and he thinks that his opponent has two overcards.

    It's pretty ordinary speech play.
  • DAIBOOTDAIBOOT Member Posts: 522
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat! : "ok lets race" does not indicate that he has AK. He could equally be indicating that he has JJ and he thinks that his opponent has two overcards. It's pretty ordinary speech play.
    Posted by MereNovice
    i'm with you on this mere you can race with 7 2 you just start a little bit behind ( LOL). he has not said he has A K it pretty ordinary chat and the man with QQ would call pre flop 99% of the time what ever is put in the chat box. BUT the more you chat the more poeple know about the way you play.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat! : "ok lets race" does not indicate that he has AK. He could equally be indicating that he has JJ and he thinks that his opponent has two overcards. It's pretty ordinary speech play.
    Posted by MereNovice
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat! : i'm with you on this mere you can race with 7 2 you just start a little bit behind ( LOL). he has not said he has A K it pretty ordinary chat and the man with QQ would call pre flop 99% of the time what ever is put in the chat box. BUT the more you chat the more poeple know about the way you play.
    Posted by DAIBOOT
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2010
    speech play like this is something i do all the time. I remember once a while ago at a Live game, one i wasnt running as i got a penalty afterwards.

    First hand i had 44 i raised everyone folded, i showed as i was friendly with them all and had a little friendly banter. Next had without even looking at my cards i said "Oh 44 again" just out of the mood. I still didnt look at my cards and min-raised and seen a 3-bet and i said "lets go set mining"

    The flop came 445, "oh quads now" i still hadnt looked at my cards at this point and was fully joking with a guy i used to play at home with.

    I bet he called. Turn a K. Ibet he raises i shove, he folds showing KK for Kings full. Pureley believeing my speech play. I then admitted not looking at mycards, and it turned out i had 45 for the flopped house.
    My punnishment was deserved i know at the time i was out of order, although i never actually named both my cards id accidently named one of them.

    Anyways Speech play FTW
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited August 2010
    Haha luv it,ive done similar on numerous occasions.Find an angle,get an edge,nothing wrong with it imo.
  • waynecwaynec Member Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    In Response to Ethical chat! : Hi Wayne The problem is when you typed in the chatbox "ok lets race" indicates that you have AK, so the QQ will call because she/he thinks they are a 57% fave to win the hand, when actualy they are a 19% underdog, a race in poker means this:In NL Hold'em, when two players are all-in preflop , each having roughly a 50/50 chance of winning the pot. Usually a pocket pair against a hand like big slick , unfortunately it is poor Poker Etiquett.
    Posted by acebarry10
    At one time check/raise was deem bad etiquett, at a live game brow beating goes on its tactics. Tony Gee did it with that russian guy to make hime call with KJ ok he only had A3 but he did unsettle him. I know I am ahead so want him to call, poker players tell lies ie "folded a big A there", if I three bet U with 72 I am repping a better hand so what is wrong with repping a weaker hand? After all the guy should know dont believe it until you see it!!! WHY IS IT BAD ETIQUETTE PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR REASONS.

    Cheers Barry
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    In Response to Ethical chat! : Hi Wayne The problem is when you typed in the chatbox "ok lets race" indicates that you have AK, so the QQ will call because she/he thinks they are a 57% fave to win the hand, when actualy they are a 19% underdog, a race in poker means this:In NL Hold'em, when two players are all-in preflop , each having roughly a 50/50 chance of winning the pot. Usually a pocket pair against a hand like big slick , unfortunately it is poor Poker Etiquett.
    Posted by acebarry10
    Where is this stated as fact? 'ok lets race' does not indicate a percentage odds of winning/losing or any particular hole cards, i sometime race with A-10, KQ, KJ, JQ depending on chipstacks and tourney stage. Even AA will lose some of the time, so technically it still is 'a race' If Linford Christie said to you 'ok lets race' he would have a big percentage chance of winning, but he may also now weigh 20 stone, have five bellies and 2 chins, so you may just beat him, you just don't know lol so its fine IMO as long as he didn't state the actual cards.
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited August 2010
    what made u think at any time after he 4bet you that he was folding
  • lynx3ffectlynx3ffect Member Posts: 452
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    what made u think at any time after he 4bet you that he was folding
    Posted by LOL_RAISE

  • waynecwaynec Member Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    what made u think at any time after he 4bet you that he was folding
    Posted by LOL_RAISE
    He had folded to a couple of reraises and did not seem to like big pots, maybe scared money I had raised his blind light as he seemed very weak
  • waynecwaynec Member Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2010
    Im really more interested in knowing is it unethical to say what I said rather than my play?
  • lynx3ffectlynx3ffect Member Posts: 452
    edited August 2010
    and lol_raise answered that by saying he isnt going to be 4bet folding so ur slow rolling
  • igimcigimc Member Posts: 625
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    In Response to Ethical chat! : Hi Wayne The problem is when you typed in the chatbox "ok lets race" indicates that you have AK, so the QQ will call because she/he thinks they are a 57% fave to win the hand, when actualy they are a 19% underdog, a race in poker means this:In NL Hold'em, when two players are all-in preflop , each having roughly a 50/50 chance of winning the pot. Usually a pocket pair against a hand like big slick , unfortunately it is poor Poker Etiquett.
    Posted by acebarry10
    WHAT???."Lets race" indicates whatever the opponent wants it to indicate.
    If i was on the receiving end i would just say "well played,you got me"and move on.
    I,m never folding QQ Hu anyway.

  • waynecwaynec Member Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: Ethical chat!:
    and lol_raise answered that by saying he isnt going to be 4bet folding so ur slow rolling
    Posted by lynx3ffect
    So we can take that as saying it is not unethical! As the outcome is not changed?
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