In rebuy tournaments once you reach the hour break it doesn't become that obvious that you can add-on.
I myself have nearly missed it before due to multi tabling and a regular player last night also forgot to add-on due to not seeing the message.
When you get KO'd you get the option screen pop-up and ask if you want to rebuy or not, could the same be brought in once the 1st hour is over.
Let me know what you all think and if you agree we can get it passed over to the right people.
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I think a popup box asking you if you want to add on at the break would be a great idea.
Ps. Luckily I took the tourny down without the Add On but it would of made my win that much easier.
btw the mods are in a bad mood, so this will soon be in the correct section of the forum, which no-one ever visits
they did that to my post the other day where i suggested a change, and no-one has read it since... sigh
p.s I lol'd at your link bout the macy D's woman
I read it too. :-)))
I think the issue with moving the thread is that the original thread cannot be updated so it soon disappears off the front page of "General Poker Chat" and is not seen by as many people as Greg would hope.
Just thought of another improvement suggestion
Maybe i should start a thread in general chat called...
Please can Mods not move our threads about?
I could then have gone on to donk off my stack on a bad flush draw and made someone an even bigger chip leader.