I just won the take on tikay torny however i am not particulary happy with the way i played some of the tournament, i kept becoming chip leader and then just freezing my chip stack rather than to carry on increasing it. I am usually a very tight player well most of the time, but i was wondering how much of my own gameplay should alter when i become chip leader or even when i go high in chips?? Should i be more loose and flat call more looking for cards?? or should i constantly steal blinds?? I am trying to improve my gameplay for my first primo whether it be this week or next. I would appreciate any advice please
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I cant help you with your question as im rarely the chip leader!
For a time in the tourney I was an utter card rack and took the line that constant all ins would reap rewards......I never caught you out once. At one point you put in a healthy raise, we had similar stacks, I shoved with the rockets from the big blind and somehow you managed to pass.
Then to come back and win after a later major setback was a sterling effort and I could see at the half way stage you had the momentum ftw. Will be very interested to hear how you go in the primo when you decide to enter. On last night's evidence I expect you will do very well.
This month I have mostly been playing £1.15 dyms but I'm a bit fed up of them now .....always try to play the £2.20 totty.....I hope to be in the wednesday night £5.50 version this week using last night's winnings....time permitting.
Keep meaning to play in the excellent £2.20 deepies (2.20pm) but something always crops up.
Every now and then I'll dip in to the 2/4p cash but I'm absolutely hopeless at it, so if you see me at one of those it would be a good time to catch up!
Very best of luck in the Primo ..... one of these days I'll "shove" my BR up high enough!
Welcome to the forum, as Greg has already said, you must be doing something right, when I am chip leader, I find using my table image helpful, yes, I play tight, also, it means, you are more likely to get a buff through, but, dont overdo it, someone will get wise and call, or raise you, use what info you have on the other players also, will they fold to a raise?, if so put a raise in (Obv:)), if you have a "calling Station" who wont fold, no matter what, just be more careful, if you have the nust, use a bet, if you got someone who is aggro, wait for the hand, then boom
Good luck in the Primo.
Basically Beanh is pretty spot on use your position and image, if you notice someone not playing hands likely they waiting for bubble so these are best canditates to raise/re-raise, also look for next chip leader on your table there good to raise as often will not want to tangle. try not to raise with junk if you know a calling station in bb as could lose you a few chips
Yeah well done in tot, im sure your obviously doing something right so keep it up and best of luck